ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xᴠ

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3rd person POV (first timeline)

A few weeks ago...

Kim Taehyung stands tall at the centre of the little observant boy's room watching him silently. His heart breaks that he has to conflict fear in an innocent little boy who somehow managed to capture his heart. He stalks closer to the kid's bed and crouches beside it. He was asleep dreamlessly, peaceful and calm. Disturbing that small realm of peace that the boy had to himself was difficult. He barely even got time for his own thoughts or for peace within himself hearing everyone and everything going on around. He was yet to explore his true potential. He was yet to know that he could block out others and have space for his own thoughts. The old soul desperately wanted to teach the boy and inform him of his true capabilities but that would interfere with his plans. He places his hand softly on the boy's forehead to make him see a dream of his choice. A dream he carefully crafted, filled with images a child wouldn't want to see... A nightmare that would feel real. He watches the little boy's eyebrows furrow and his arms twitch as the nightmare unfolds.

Present (second timeline)

Yoonjin was clinging onto Taehyung and he couldn't lie, he was enjoying all of the attention he was receiving from his son. 

"Are you sleepy, baby bean?" He asks seeing his son's droopy eyes trying hard to stay open. Yoonjin climbs further up his dad placing his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck. 

"You wanna go to bed?" Taehyung softly pats Yoonjin's back to put him to sleep. Yoonjin whimpers and squirms around in Taehyung's arms and pushes his head back to meet Taehyung's eyes. He whispers a small 'no' and goes back to nuzzling his nose into his dad's neck. Taehyung chuckles lightly, "You need sleep, Yoonjin. Do you have a reason why you don't wanna go to bed?"

"Yes," Yoonjin whispers clawing at his dad's shoulder softly. Yoonjin was very touchy and clingy if he liked someone. Taehyung smiles and whispers playfully, "And what will that be?"

"I like your thoughts," he says softly, "They're nice to listen when I don't have any of mine."

Taehyung's eyes soften and well up with tears for his son. He smiles softly as a tear rolls down his cheek. His son lifts his head to look at his dad.

"No," he whimpers, "Don't cry. I'm okay."

Taehyung sniffs, "I love you, baby," Taehyung kisses Yoonjin's cheek, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, dadda," Yoonjin grins cupping Taehyung's face, placing a kiss on his chin. Taehyung's heart melts and he crushes Yoonjin in a hug bursting out in tears. 

"Tae!" Yuna rushes over with a frown, "What's wrong?"

Taehyung lifts his head to look at his lovely wife who gave him a purpose to live. He smiles, "I just love you all so much."

Yuna's eyes soften as she watches her husband and son in a bone-crushing hug. Taehyung extends his arm for Yuna and she gladly joins the hug placing a kiss on Yoonjin's cheek. 

"Mamma," Yoonjin wiggles out of Taehyung's grip and climbs onto Yuna. Yuna giggles as her son settles on her hip, "Still a momma's boy, huh?"

Yoonjin lets out a small giggle and kisses Yuna's cheek. 

"Mom? Dad?" They hear Taemin's voice and a few sobs. Yuna turns around to see Taemin with a sobbing Yujin in his arms.

"Oh, no," Yuna places Yoonjin on the floor, who was immediately scooped up by Taehyung and runs to Yujin, "My baby," she coos taking Yujin from Taemin's arms, "What's wrong?"

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