Abecedarius poem

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A wise person told me

Be cautious, but have fun

Charming but honest

Daring but smart

Energetic but know when to rest

Fearless, but fear your demons

Generous, but know when to say no

Hopeful but not oblivious

Intelligent but not arrogant

Jovial, but never fake a smile

Keen but calm

Loving but never love hate

Modest but confident

Nice but never a doormat

Optimistic but realistic

Patient, but never sit and do nothing

Quick but not quick temper

Realistic, but believe in miracles

Sorry, but never apologize for your flaws

Tolerate but don't tolerate injustice

Unstoppable, but know when to stop

Valiant but not reckless

Wise but not a know it all

Xenodochial but beware of stranger danger

Young but mature

Zany but levelheaded

Dedicated to miloarthur. Thank you for reaching my poems. Feel free to read his book Deliberation.

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