For mother's sake

Start from the beginning

Yesterday had definitely been a wild day, that's for sure. Here's hoping today went a little more normal. Exfoliating every inch of her skin Katherine rinsed before turning off the water and carefully stepped out to grab a towel.

Wrapping it tightly around herself after quickly drying off she crossed to the sink to brush her hair and teeth. Taking a look at herself in the foggy mirror showed her the dark circles under her glowing bluish white irises and her damp white blonde hair. Closing her eyes she tried to make them the hazel and auburn that she preferred, but when she opened them they were still the natural color she'd been born with.

Frowning, Kat glared at her otherworldly appearance. This is what had made it so hard to blend in when she was a child. It took her years to be able to control her appearance and by then everyone in their neighborhood had thought she was a freak. At first they thought she was an albino or something, but normal people's eyes didn't glow white with a burning blue ring of fire. Spitting and rinsing her mouth she left the bathroom to get dressed.

While it was June she would be staying inside today Kat wore a hoodie to help cover her hair and added in some sunglasses to hide her eyes. Stomach rumbling, she reluctantly left her bedroom for the kitchen. She kept her head down as she made her way to the elevator in the hopes that if she did run into Natasha, Wanda or Pietro they wouldn't see her freaky appearance. No such luck.

Just as the elevator doors were closing the speedster was suddenly standing next to her. Ever the flirt, Pietro greeted her. "Morning, krasivaya. Feeling better this morning?"

"Hmm." She hummed in response trying to avoid actual conversation.

"Do you have a magic hangover or something?" He asked, gesturing at her sunglasses and hoodie layered over her black jean shorts.

"Something like that. Wanna press the button for the kitchen?" Doing as she asked he then leaned across from her tilting his head to the side. "What are you staring at, Maximoff?"

Pointing at his eyes he nods towards her face. "Your eyes are glowing through your sunglasses." Clenching her jaw she takes them off and stuffs them into her pocket. So much for hiding one of her biggest flaws.

The silver haired man slowly walked towards her to get a closer look at her eyes. Not one to back down, she stared right back. "Your eyes are the most beautiful colors I've ever seen. Why do you hide them?" He asked, his accent heavy as he tilted her face up to his to get a better look.

"You don't think they're weird?" Pietro shook his head no. "Most people get scared when they see my eyes." Pulling down her hood she showed him her hair. "I hide them because this reminds them that I'm different and normal people are scared of people who are different from them."

"Normal is overrated, isn't that right Sergeant Barnes and Captain Rogers?" He asked, playing with a strand of her hair. Katherine's eyes flick over to the doors to see Bucky and Steve standing there watching them. Fighting back the desperate urge to cover her head and put her sunglasses back on, she stood there looking right at them as if daring them to say anything.

Smiling at her, Bucky nudges his best friend's arm. "Steve and I haven't been normal in over seven decades so I would say so. You should power down more often, you look beautiful, doll."

Fighting back a blush Katherine stared at Bucky and the other man who nodded at his sentiment with a frown on her face. Touching their minds she saw that they were being truthful. Shifting from one foot to the other she tucked her hair behind her ears and avoided their gaze. Outside of her brother, mother and Tony no one had ever had anything positive to say about her natural appearance. She didn't know how to handle it so she didn't say anything at all.

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