"Yeah, it's Pintar." I said.

"Wow! My dad told me all about you! You were said to be the next Dumbledoor or something." James exclaimed. Now I had Fred to my left and James to my right.

"Yeah... what do you two like to do for fun, because y'all give off that pranking vibe. Don't worry, I prank too. My 3 P's in life are paint, prank, parkour." I said.

They looked at each other excitedly and said, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" James asked.

"I'm thinking what your thinking. LET'S ADD HER TO OUR GROUP!" Fred said. 

"Woah, woah, woah." I said, holding up a T sign. "What group?" 

"Our pranking group. His grandpa used to have a 4 person group and they were animagi, we are trying to recruit people, but it's so far me, Jamsey, and now you." Fred explained.

"Plus, we can be a trio like my dad! We've got a Potter, a Weasley, and a Malfoy, but who cares! Your not smart but we like it!" James said.

"Sure, when do we start?" I asked.

"Right now." James said with a mischevious smirk.

~At the Gryffindor common house~

"Ok, so the plan is to prank the Great Hall, while they're still eating. We've got balloons and fireworks. What can you do?" James asked.

"I can spray paint our group names on the wall. I can show you a design for it." I said.

"Go, I'll get you some spray paint." Fred said. I left to go up to the girls wing and pulled out my bag to see my sketchbook there. It was fairly big so this will have to do.

"Our group name could be.... the lions!" James suggested.

"No... that's too obvious." Fred said. I came down the stairs and plopped right next to James. 

"We could be the Illusion." I suggested.

"Genius! That's our name!" James said. Fred nodded in agreement.

"Well, then it's settled. We are the Illusion. Not Iluminati." I said.

"So... what's our symbol?" Fred asked.

"We could do a graffiti I and make it shift from I to Illusion if you look at it from an angle. I could do that magic." I said, sketching it out and showing them. 

"Perfect. Then it's settled, let's go Illusion!" James said. 

"WAIT!" I said. "Before we can do that, we have to have code names and change our appearance. I can make masks that make us look different before we learn Animagi." I said.

"Oh, how about we cast our Patronus and we can base our code names off of that?" Fred suggested.

"Ok, EXPECTO PATRONUM!" James yelled. A big black dog came out of his wand and danced around him. 

"James, you can be... Mongrel?" I asked.

"Ok, at least it's different from Uncle Sirus' nickname." James said, snickering.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I asked.

"Padfoot." James said, and we burst out laughing.

"Ok, my turn! EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Fred yelled. A monkey came out of his wand and danced around him. 

"Fred can be... Gibbon!" I asked.

"Yes! That's so cool! It's better than what James said." Fred muttered.

"Ok, your turn!" James said, jumping up and down like a child on Christmas day.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I yelled thinking of a happy memory of when my parents were with me and we were baking cookies and Dad randomly put flour on us. I smiled at the memory and a honey badger sprouted out from my wand and ran around me. I laughed and when it jumped on my hair, it disappeared. 

"Hmm, you can be... Ratel!" James and Fred said at the same time.

I simply laughed and said, "Thanks you guys." 

"Now come on! Our plan is going to work. LET'S GOOOO!" James said as we sprinted towards the Great Hall. There was a full on trap set for them that had bags full of balloons and fireworks ready to be set. 

"Wait, I want to add something too. When they get out of the Great Hall I'm going to slime dunk them." I said.

"OOH! What's slime?" Fred asked.

"You'll see." I said, winking at him.

I pulled out a bottle of green gooey slime I had and made it bigger. I made it fly up and when the Great Hall doors opened, all the slime would spread on everybody. 

"3...2...1, LET THERE BE CHAOS!" James said. The fireworks were set off and the balloons were falling down from the celing. Everyone ran out and when the doors opened everyone was dunked in slime. I quickly got to work spray painting our sign while everyone was in shock and I pinned a note that had all our names signed. We ran out and we sprinted to the Gryffindor common room. We pretended to fall asleep while our roommates were covered in green. One of my roommates, Rose, was it, woke me up without getting green slime on me and I pretended to wake up.

"What?" I asked, pretinding to be groggy.

"Your lucky you weren't covered in green slime. This is disgusting." she said.

"Hmm, well, g'night!" I yelled.

"Good night!" the rest of my bunkmates said. 

I fell asleep and let a dream take over me.

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