Chapter V- Xisuma's Nightmares

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Xisuma woke up and sat up in bed. His brown hair was a mess, his blue eyes full of fear. He had just had the weirdest dream. 

Xae had been standing in front of him.

"Why did you ban me?" They had asked, hurt in their eyes.

"But... I fixed it—you're  unbanned!" X had exclaimed, walking forward.

"That doesn't make up for it," Xae's eyes had started to glow as they said that and soon it wasn't Xisuma's twin standing there. Xae had been replaced by Jeff. Xisuma stepped backwards, terrified. He still remembered vividly what had happened to his sibling when they had interacted  with the dark being.

"W-what do you want?" He had asked nervously.

"I just come with a message," laughed Jeff sinisterly, his glowing green eyes had been fixed on Xisuma.

"About what."

"Xathan," he replied, smirking. Xisuma was frozen. What had Jeff done? 

"Relax, I haven't done anything," Jeff had laughed, "Well...not yet."

"If you do anything to them I'll give you a second scar to match the old one," growled Xisuma. Suddenly the dream world violently glitched. And Jeff was towering him.

"I'm trying to help you idiot!" He shouted, his already distorted voice becoming so distorted you could hardly understand it. Xisuma stepped back, his knees felt like they were about to give in.

"Listen... Danger is coming, with Xathan in the center of it, do what you can to stop it," said Jeff, returning to his normal state. Xisuma had nodded still terrified. 

"∴ᔑꖌᒷ ⚍!¡"

And then Xisuma had woken up.


Xisuma tiredly trudged through Boatem, stopping at the G-train.

"Hey X!" Said a cheerful voice behind him. Turning around Xisuma saw Impulse, his hat titled and his purple bowtie crooked.

"Hi Impulse," waved Xisuma tiredly. He went back to sorting through the boxes of supplies, looking for what he needed.

" everything okay?" Asked Impulse worriedly. He walked over to stand next to X.

"Kinda," replied Xisuma, walking over to to another car of the train.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Offered the hermit.

"I just had a strange nightmare, thats all," brushed off Xisuma. He put a couple diamonds in the chest and was ready to head back but then Impulse spoke up again.

"It seems like to was something more, would you mind telling me?" Xisuma smiled, Impulse was always trying to help everyone, X sighed.

"I guess."


"...and then I woke up," said Xisuma, he had spent about an hour sitting in Impulse's chocolate factory and explaining and munching on some iDimpy bars. Xisuma had explained Xae and Jeff and the twins' complications in general, Impulse was one of the only hermits he had ever told about Jeff and and Xae. Joe and Biffa were the only other people who he had told directly about Xae being his twin and not his clone and about Jeff but Biffa had left. Bdubs had heard about Jeff through his brother though.

"That's a lot," said Impulse, "You must go through a lot just to keep Hermitcraft running."

"I guess, its just about two months ago I lost communication with Xae and then Jeff appears in my dream, something's wrong," sighed Xisuma, "Thanks for listening to my little story."

"I hope you figure out what's going on soon," smiled Impulse, "If you ever need help I'm here." Xisuma smiled and stood up from the chair he had been sitting in.


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628 words. I got stuck because I had no idea what to write next so thats why the chapter is like half a normal chapter. Also did  I freak anyone out with the title having Xisuma's name in the title? Song for today is Bang by AJR

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