Is This The End?

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She opened the bathroom door to walk out, stopping when his hand latched onto her wrist, gently, but firm enough for her to know he needed her to stop.

"We'll talk more later, yeah? You're not rushing off just yet?" His eyes pleaded with her, tearing the last bit of her defenses down.

"Of course, Sebastian. I just had Mackie get me the best whiskey he could find. I won't be leaving until probably early in the morning." She smiled softly, her heart in stomach. Was everything he'd said just a way to make her stay?

"You're not fucking leaving, period."

She laughed, closing the bathroom door behind her. Goddamn him. He'd managed to talk her into staying a little longer. He said he'd told her loves her, but she didn't know enough Romanian to be sure. She'd have to translate it to believe it.

Mackie came through the door, whiskey and food in his hands. Smiling she wrapped her arms around him, fighting back tears.

"Thank you, Mackie. Can we talk? I-I don't know what to do." She confessed, her heart pounding in her chest. If there was one thing he could do, it was give advice when it came to Sebastian.

"Of course. When and where?" He beamed at her.

"Now. While he's in the shower." She grabbed the whiskey, sitting down on the couch. Sighing she cracked open the bottle, taking a long drink before placing it on the coffee table.

"He cornered me in the shower."

"Like, full on just got in there with you? Or what?" He dropped down beside her, glancing toward the hallway.

"Full on got into the shower with me. He-" she sighed, taking another drink from the bottle. "He told me he loves me."

Mackie laughed, looking toward the bathroom again. She watched as he poured himself a bit of the whiskey, placing the bottle back in front of her.

"I know he did," he laughed shaking his head. "He did it back at your place. He was just too chicken shit to say it in English."

"How did you know that?" she asked, eyes wide, heart beating wildly in her chest. How the hell would Mackie know that? He wasn't there, unless Sebastian had told him.

"We talked about it last night," he laughed at her shocked expression, patting her on the back. "That man has loved you forever, Emma. Don't act so shocked. I'm still one of his best friends."

She took another drink, listening as the bathroom door opened. Before she could change her mind she stood up, following behind him as he started to disappear into his bedroom. She had to know for sure. One way or the other.

"What makes you think it'll work?" She closed the door behind her, heart in her throat.

She watched as he tossed his towel in the hamper, pulling his own clothes on before turning back to her. It wasn't long until he was directly in front of her, his hands on either side of her head as she pressed back against the door.

"I have a better question. How do you think it'll be any different than it is now? Because, as far as I can tell, the only real difference would be that I get to come back to to you and kiss you whenever I want. Make love to you every night I'm back here. Shit, every morning and afternoon, too."

His mouth was a mere breath from hers, his lips almost brushing hers as he spoke. Gathering her courage she raised herself up, closing the distance. He made perfect sense. Not much would actually change. Maybe it was worth a shot.

"You win this one," she whispered, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Does that mean you're staying? You're not leaving me?" his eyes searched hers, desperate for an answer.

"You're stuck with me. You're going to regret this, you know," she laughed as he squeezed her tight, face buried in his neck.


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