Morning After *smut*

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Indonesian oud filled her senses as her eyes opened ever so slightly. A heavy arm around her waist had her pinned against a very, very firm body. Eyes snapping all the way open she realized the body wrapped around hers was Sebastian.

She shifted to move out of his arms, hoping she didn't wake him. It wasn't the first time they'd ended up sleeping next to each other, but this time felt different. And she would be damned if that added any stress to their already strained relationship.

She felt him get hard behind her, her breath catching in her throat. He was asleep. He had no control over it, she knew. But she wished it was for her. No matter how much she tried to ignore it, brush it aside, she wanted it to be her that. Amused this reaction in him.

With a slight sigh she moved to extract herself from his limbs, again, only to find him tightening his hold on her, pressing every last inch of him against her.

"You're killing me, smalls," he murmured, burying his face in her neck.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to wake you."

"All I know is I woke up to you rubbing against my dick, the smell of me still on you. Like I said. You're killing me."

Her heart raced as she weighed her options. Stay perfectly still, move out of his arms, or go for it. Only one of those options appealed to her. And she was willing to throw caution to the wind just one last time.

Sighing she arched her hips back, rubbing up the length of him, moving his hand from her waist to her breast, moaning at the contact. She felt his body tense, smiling as she turned her head to look at him.

"Fucking Christ," he groaned as he flipped her on her back, crushing her mouth under his.

He rid her of her clothes, pulling back to look at her while he slowly stripped his own off. Anxiety began to set in. Last night was different. Neither of them were totally sober, it was a bit darker. Now he could fully see her in the light of day, and the thought terrified her.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, her throat going dry.

"You," he murmured, settling himself between her thighs, his cock brushing against her as he did so. "You're so fucking perfect."

And then his mouth was on hers, his hips rocking against her, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout her body. He continued like this, moving slowly, driving her crazy. All she wanted was for him to be inside her already, but he seemed intent on torturing her, taking his time.

"Quit teasing and fuck me already," she whined, fisting her hand in his hair.

"Good girl," he whispered, sliding inside her, capturing her moan with his mouth as he kissed her roughly.

His hips moved slowly, completely at odds with the way he was kissing her, pulling her hair. The mix of sensations nearly sent her over the edge, but she held on for dear life. She didn't want this feeling to end.

His hips moved faster, rocking against her harder, her hips rising to meet his at every thrust. Her back arched as his lips found her throat, her moans growing louder as he started driving into her, the sound of her headboard banging against the wall mingling with their moans, the sound of their flesh slapping together.

"I need you to come for me, baby," he groaned, hooking an arm under her leg, pushing it back against her chest.

That was all it took. Her hands clutched his hips, holding him against her as she came undone, screaming his name.

"That's my girl," he groaned as he joined her, his thrusts becoming erratic, his arm snaking around her hips, holding her to him.

He held her as their breathing slowed, forehead pressed against hers, one hand framing her face. She didn't fully understand what was going on here, but she was enjoying every moment. Even if it was only for the short time he'd be there, and they had to go back to acting like nothing had happened, she was going to enjoy every moment. But there was a far more pressing matter than whatever this was at hand.

"Sebastian, I-"

"I swear to God, Emma," he interrupted rolling off of her, his arm thrown over his eyes.

"Well, rude ass, I was trying to say I'm fucking starving, and ask if you wanted me to cook something for you, too, but I guess now you get to starve," she smirked, getting out of bed and throwing on her pajama shirt. Rather than putting on the pants, she balled them up and threw them at him, laughing as they hit his face.

"You're such a brat," he laughed, leaping out of bed, throwing his own pants on. "Last one to the kitchen cooks. First chooses the music."

She wasn't about to lose. Laughing she turned and sprinted out the door, determined to get to choose the music.

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