He opened the gallery and both of them were surprised seeing the picture I clicked.

'There's no Vamika's picture.' he said in disbelief.

'Yeah because she's not this design. ' I told pointing at the wall.

'I am so sorry. At the same time Anushka was with Vamika at the door. And from the elevator, the angle looked like you were taking her picture.' he said apologetically.

'And without knowing what has actually happened, you began lashing out at me.' I said.

'We are really sorry for that. We just get extra protective when it comes to her.' said Anushka in an apologetic tone.

Just then my phone began ringing.

'I don't care. How foolish was I to have such admiration for you.' I said looking at him and left from there.

'Ha didi.' I said answering the call.

'Why is your tone like that? Did you fight with anyone?' she asked me.

I told her all that has happened.

'I hate them so much didi. How can they react without knowing the truth. So foolish they are. And here I am, obsessed with them. I hate myself.' I said.

'Krithu relax. You know how much they are trying to not let her pictures come out right. So they behaved like that.' she consoled me.

'Now you are taking their side. You choose them over your sister?' I asked.

'No Idiot. Also didn't you notice them standing there?'

'No they weren't there when I came out of my room. They might have come while I was focused on clicking the picture.'

'Anyways let's not talk about this topic now. Ignore them that's it. Ok?'

'I loved them so much for so long years and is this how they behave with me. I won't like even a single picture of theirs on Instagram from now on.' I said wiping those little tears that started to emerge out from my eyes.

'Hey, are you ok?' asked Rishabh. We came face to face as I was getting down the stairs while he was climbing them.

'Yeah I am fine.' I said with a fake smile.

'No you aren't.' said Shreyas coming from aside.

'Seems like there's someone talking to you. Call me back.' told my sister and cut the call.

'Is it because of what happened in the bus?' shreyas  continued.

'No. But what really happened there?' I asked him.

'We can't talk that standing on the staircase like this. Let's go to our room.' Rishabh suggested.

'Yeah it resounds on the staircase making it clear for everyone to be audible.' Shreyas said.

'Yeah ok.' I said. My curiosity was on peaks then.

We went inside Rishabh's room. We sat on the couch and Shreyas began speaking, ' You know the WC 2019 right?'

'Yeah I know. I was so disappointment seeing us lose the semis. Rohit Sharma has been fantastic in the entire tour.' I said.

'Exactly, he was the most disappointed player after we lost. Virat also felt so disappointed for not leading the team to the victory. That night after the match has completed, both of them exchanged a few words with resulted in an altercation. ' said Shreyas.

'So the rumours are true?' I asked.

'Yes, partly. They have so much respect for each other now, but the brotherhood is gone.' said Shreyas.

'I thought so. They didn't give each other even an eye contact since the morning.' I said.

'Then why did you say you'll play with Sammy and Vamika together?' asked Rishabh.

'I don't know why has that come out of my mouth.' I said honestly.

' But I want them to be bestfriends. I love RohiRat more than Virushka.' I admitted.

'What's RohiRat?' asked Shreyas.

'You seriously don't know that?' I asked.

Both of them nodded their head into a No.

'Rohi from Rohit and rat from Virat.' I explained.

'That's cool. It hurts us as well to see them like that. ' admitted rishabh.

'We don't know with whom we must talk when they are together.' said Shreyas.

'Why didn't you guys try clearing the misunderstandings?' I asked.

'Because we are not daring enough to do so. The only person capable of doing that is Mahi bhai. He retired after the world cup, so did their friendship.' said Rishabh who became so emotional by then.

'Don't they talk at all?' I asked.

'Professionally yes, personally no.' said Shreyas.

'But Rithika and Anushka are following each other on Instagram now right. Also Anushka dropped hearts to few of Rithika's posts. Are they on good terms?' I asked.

'Anushka and Virat are constantly trying to repair their bonds but that's not reciprocated well.' Rishabh said.

'Maybe it was Virat who has hurt the most maybe that's why he's making the effort now?' I asked.

'Maybe. We have no clue of what has happened at all.' shrugged Shreyas.

My phone began ringing and it was Sanjana.

'Ok I'll leave now. We'll talk again later.' I said getting up from the couch.

'Ok. Bye.' Rishabh said.

'Bye krithi.' shreyas said.

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