Chapter 21: A Final Night Of Fun- Part 4

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"Sure thing! Hey everyone!" Himiko exclaimed again, not realising how late it was at night for all of them.

"Hey Himiko, I was just about to sleep, so if you could keep it down, that would help. Izuku, good night." Eri said as she reached into the cupboards in the kitchen, grabbing her melatonin supplements, and taking two of them. 

"You wanna sleep?" Izuku asked, diverting his attention away from Himiko, who wasn't too happy about that. 

"Yeah, I didn't get much last night, but I'm not that tired right now either." Eri replied, explaining her conundrum. 

"Well good on you for not going straight to the sleeping pills." Izuku said reassuringly, his voice soft and gentle. 

"Thanks, but yeah, if everyone could keep it down." Eri stated, looking exclusively at Mirio and Himiko, "then that would be nice." 

"Don't worry about this idiot, he's gonna conk out soon anyways. Which reminds me, Izuku, mind if we stay the night here? I need to visit Uncle Masaru in the morning anyways." Tamaki requested.

"Sure yeah, you guys can use my room. But remember, if you're gonna go all the way tonight, use protection, and keep your voices down" He teased.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Dad " Tamaki replied, "I'll come and say goodnight to Eri as well."

"Thanks, Dad" Eri said, grinning at Tamaki, which resulted in Tamaki rolling his eyes, and Izuku snickering. 

"I'll be back everyone" Izuku announced, as he went upstairs, with Tamaki and Eri following suit. 

"So, Mirio! How are you? How's UA? Is Nejire okay? Are you a virgin?" She asked, remembering her conversation with Nejire. 

"What the- Why would you- It's- You-" Mirio asked, him now being the speechless one, as he stared at Himiko, not breaking eye contact...sipping on the last of his grape juice. 

"Why did I agree to her coming? I should just go upstairs, I feel like the awkwardness in this room is gonna kill me-" Ochako thought to herself.

"Thanks for walking me up the stairs you guys, you're really helping me with a task I do every single day. Really, you're true Japanese legends. Your names will be inscribed onto the gravestone of-" Eri rambled before Izuku shoved her onto her bed. 

"Sorry, I totally didn't mean that" Izuku stated sarcastically. 

"You just ruined the very concept of sarcasm with that joke. How dare you, Izuku Midoriya, I can't even look at you" Eri replied, equally as sarcastic. 

"Do I need to put you both in a time-out corner?" Tamaki joked, getting a little tired of the sibling's antics, as he was literally tired.

"She/He started it!" The Midoriya siblings said in unison, only for Tamaki to facepalm and sigh disappointment. 

"Right, well, Eri, goodnight, I hope you had fun today, even if Himiko's annoying as fuck, and Mirio...well he's just a dumbass. Make sure you get some proper rest before school and fix your sleep schedule. And Izuku, good on you for surprising the girls and coming out, this night's been fun, I know I'm not usually involved in the conversation, but I loved the... I have no other way of saying this, but the vibe was nice. You put a smile on my face, so thanks. Also thanks for letting me and Mirio crash. We'll make you some breakfast in the morning to make up for it, and goodnight to you too." Tamaki said, rendering both siblings speechless, as Izuku truly felt something from Tamaki's words, this feeling of... being cared for? It wasn't something he got to experience, and Tamaki's voice, albeit monotone, was relaxing, as it calmed him down, getting him in a relaxed mood. 

"Thanks, Tamaki, you're a good friend" Izuku replied, hugging Tamaki, who reciprocated, patting him on the back before letting go. 

"This is too adorable! If you two don't kiss now I'm going to be very sad-" Eri replied, breaking the mood, as she stood back up, confusing the two boys.

"You pushed me on the bed before I got a chance to change into my pajamas." She explained, causing Izuku to have an inner moment of reflection. 

"You're a fucking idiot Izuku.
 Yeah and?
"No that's it. Also, stop talking to yourself, you've got shit to do"

"Sorry, Eri. I'll let you sleep now. I hope you had fun today, and sorry for all the Kota teasing" Izuku said, finally being sincere with his sibling. 

"It's fine, really. Thanks for looking out for me as well. You're a very good brother, even if I don't always let you know." Eri replied, hugging Izuku, who hugged her back.

"Thanks, Eri. Sleep well, alright?" Izuku said, letting go of Eri and closing her door behind him, as he saw Ochako leave her room, having gotten changed into a t-shirt and some short shorts, inadvertently showing off her radiant skin and smooth thighs.
"I could hear all of that- Why are the walls so thin? Well, it's not like that's gonna matter, I'm not having sex- AAHHHHHHH STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT! You're literally right next to a child's bedroom! A child who Izuku treated like an angel, because she is...but that was so adorable, he'd make a great daddy- Dad. He'd make a great dad. That's what I meant to sa- Oh crap he's looking at me!"

"Hey you two, Eri asleep now?" Ochako asked nervously, as Tamaki said nothing and walked past her. 

"Yeah, she's asleep. I see you're ready for a night of relaxing." Izuku stated, trying not to stare at Ochako too much.
"Stop looking at her legs, it's weird you're gonna creep her out...or her boobs. What are you five?! Just because she looks...way too good in that doesn't mean you can keep staring. I mean it's not like you can sleep with your roommate, that's just weird. And I'm not thinking about it, nope. No. Not at all. There is no way in hell I'm- Fuck she's looking at me, why are her eyes so nice wait shit Izuku respond!

"Izuku?" Ochako called out, seeing that the green-haired teen had zoned out for a second.

"Yeah? Sorry, I was just thinking of something else. What's up?" Izuku asked, trying to keep his composure.

"I was just gonna ask you if you wanted me to give Himiko some clothes, or if we should let her sleep in her dress" She said with a grin.

"Ochako, that's too far... for being nice to her. We should ruin her dress and force her to walk home in one of my outfits" Izuku joked.
"But in all seriousness, that's a good idea, we'll get the other two guys up here too, then me you and Himiko can watch something on the TV since Eri needs to rest." 

"Sure thing, let's get them all up here then" Ochako said reluctantly, loving yet hating how good of a person Izuku was, his willingness to include people in everything being a double-edged sword in this case.

Destined To Be: Izuku x Ochako: Quirkless AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu