Please Don't Leave Me

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Chanel POV

Me and michael got in a really bad argument now he doesn't want me to leave a marriage and relationship isn't ok or perfect

Michael POV

We got into an argument I didn't want Chanel to leave I didn't like being alone

Chanel: just give me some space

Michael wanted to cry so he walked out her office to give her some space 

Chanel took a deep breathe just to get her thoughts together

Two Months Later

Chanel POV

I haven't spoken to michael in two months he's been trying to get me to talk to him ...I was staring in the mirror looking down at the pregnancy test I was pregnant

Michael POV

I really wanted Chanel to talk to me I miss her voice so much I came to the bedroom to knock on the bathroom door

Chanel: I'm going for a walk

She went for a walk and that's when michael saw something on the sink was two pregnancy test she was pregnant he couldn't believe it he was so excited they are another baby

Chanel walked up the street just to clear her head for a bit Chanel was so happy to be pregnant again but she did miss talking to michael

After a good hour of sitting down in the middle of nowhere and clearing her head she came back home michael was waiting for her to come back home

Michael: your pregnant

Chanel: yes I am saw the pregnancy test

Michael: yes I did ......

Chanel: it's ok you don't have to apologize

Michael: but I want to it won't feel right

Chanel: I know but you don't have to ...but I know you so go ahead

Michael: I'm sorry

Chanel: it's ok I forgive you and I'm sorry too for not talking to you in two months

Michael: it's ok

They gave each the biggest hug and things were back to normal the kids didn't like to see them fight or argue so they did made up

Chanel came to take a nap she had a headache already the nausea was happening all over again

Michael was happy that things are back to normal with him and Chanel

Four Months Pregnant CheckUp

Chanel POV

Four months came by fast so I am here at my baby appointment with michael we are finding out the gender today

Michael POV

Today we are finding out the gender of our baby it's been four months already

The nurse came in and got started that's when she noticed something

Nurse: well this is shocking

Chanel: what is

Nurse: looks like your having twins

Her and michael were so shocked to hear the news about having twins

Nurse: one's a boy and the another one is a girl

Chanel thanked her doctor and they were on their way she couldn't believe she was having twins which is not easy to make in this world

She began looking up names for the twins it was still so chocking to know that she's having twins

Chanel POV

I began looking up names for the twins I'm still in shock to know that we're having twins which is impossible to make oh well I'm just glade that they're healthy that's all that matters

Michael POV

We are having twins I couldn't believe but I was excited I know they are going to be beautiful and healthy

Chanel found some good names for them but she was tired and exhausted all at once

Once they made it home she came to take a nap after leaving her baby appointment michael came to check up on the kids

They were growing up so fast time flies by so quickly michael couldn't believe they were growing up to be wonderful children and very talented as well

An Hour Later

Chanel POV

I woke up to see everyone gone michael took the kids out he was so sweet

Michael POV

Brought the kids out to do some shopping here in downtown Atlanta it was a nice day out

The kids were shopping with their father it was always a good time they get to shop in peace and not be surrounded by fans

They laughed and had a good time the kids spending their quality time with both parents

The children brought something for their mother since she was pregnant and tired they brought her something to make her feel better

Once they made it home they gave it to her and the absolutely loved it ....she loved her husband and family so much they were important to her and she wouldn't trade them got anything in the world

Chanel: thanks guys I feel better

Michael: we are happy to hear that

Chanel: I know lol you guys are so sweet

The kids walked out of the room and wanted to speak with michael

Chanel: I picked out the name for the twins and I want your option on them

Michael: alright what do you have

Chanel: how does for the boy Monaco And the girl Monroe

Michael: I like those name

Chanel: ok that's good I knew you would like them ...

Michael: you ok

Chanel: they are kicking me

He lead his head on them and felt them kicking he couldn't wait to meet them

The nurse will give them a due date for when they will arrive when she comes back for her next check up on the babies

Michael took Chanel picture every picture was worth it so they can look back on it for not only them but for the children as well

Chanel came downstairs to do some cleaning up around the house the children offered to help out so she won't have that much to do or be on her feet all day

Chanel and michael had some really sweet kids they always get compliments from other parents about their parenting skills

Chanel was excited to see the twins it wasn't going to be easy raising twins but it will definitely be worth it in the end

Next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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