Three Years Later

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Chanel POV

It's been three year since me and Michael got together it is now 1996 can't believe we are at the end of the 90's

Michael POV

It's been three wonderful years with Chanel she wonderful but now I have a surprise for her I never been to her home before we always met somewhere else but this will be my first time seeing her house

Michael pulled up in the drive way and was so amazed the house was beautiful ...he knocked on the door

Chanel: well come in

Michael: Thank You

Chanel: your welcome...what are you doing here

Michael: well I wanted to ask you something important that I waited three years for this

Chanel: ok what is it

Michael got down on one knee and asked Chanel to marry him ...She said yes she couldn't believe it

Chanel: this is real

Michael: yes it is ...can I ask you something

Chanel: yes

Michael: I know you won't never move to California ...but can I move here when we get married

Chanel: yes this will be your home as well you don't have to ask

Michael: I know but it's a way of respect

Chanel: I know ...just let me know when you want to plan the wedding

Michael: we can plan it next week

Chanel: ok that's fine

Next Week

Chanel POV

We are planning the wedding today I still can't believe that I'm Michael soulmate it's been years since I last saw him

Michael POV

We are planning the wedding today I'm so happy that Chanel is my soulmate I waited so long for this

Michael: what month do you want us to get married

Chanel: June 15th

Michael: ok

They wrote down June 15th for the big day it was a lot of work to be done

Chanel: where do you want to have it

Michael: Can we have it here

Chanel: Sure if your comfortable having it here

Michael: I am

Chanel: ok that's fine

After they planned everything Michael told Chanel he will see her tomorrow he will be flying back home

Chanel said goodbye to Michael and locked her door she can't believe this was real she was marrying Michael

Next Morning

Chanel POV

I was reading a book while drinking some tea it was a knock on the door I knew it was Michael I know his knock already

Michael POV

I'm bringing half my stuff here today so that way I don't have to do it Chanel was so beautiful when she opened up the door

Chanel: oh hi come in

He brought his suite cases in and Chanel locked the door

Chanel: bringing half your stuff over

Michael: yes

Chanel: ok well my bedroom is upstairs come on

They walked up the stairs and into her bedroom well their bedroom it was so beautiful

Michael: this is beautiful

Chanel: thanks...the closet is right here and the bathroom is over there

Michael: thank you

Chanel: your welcome(walked out)

Michael began to unpack his stuff and putting into the closet she had a massive walk in closet

Chanel brought Michael stuff up he has his toothbrush and stuff in a small box

An Hour Later

Chanel POV

I ended up taking a nap in my hammock outside it was so comfortable until I got woken up

Michael POV

I just finished unpacking and I found Chanel she was asleep I didn't want to wake her up she looks so Peaceful sleeping but I woke her up

Chanel: Are you finished

Michael: yes ...uh I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the house

Chanel: ok

She gave him a tour of the house everything was beautiful inside the windows were open windows you can every view of the house it brought in so much sun light which Chanel loved all the natural lighting

Michael: Everything is so beautiful here

Chanel: I know thanks

It was starting to get late so Michael was staying the night tonight

Michael was in the shower in his thoughts he hopes to have children with Chanel he wanted to have that conversation with her

Chanel POV

Michael was in the shower but I could tell he had something on his mind though I can read through him

Michael came to bed after brushing his teeth but he was deep in thought ...So he turned over and face Chanel

Chanel: I'm open for kids I don't have a problem with it

Michael: really

Chanel: yes besides I love kids

Michael: So will you have my children

Chanel: of course ...well goodnight

Michael: goodnight

She turned the light off and went to sleep Michael was so happy that was happy that was off of his chest 


Chanel POV

I woke up cause I had to use the bathroom so now I'm staring into the mirror thinking about my future with Michael we are getting married soon he afraid he will never have children that's every person dream but some people don't want to have kids

Chanel was deep in thought Michael came behind her and asked if she was ok

Chanel: I'm fine ...Let's go back to bed

She turned the light off and they came back to bed to go to sleep Michael cuddled up next to her

Michael for some reason felt very safe in Chanel arms he never felt that before but after all she was his soul mate

Chanel knew that she would have to protect Michael he's already being accused of something that he didn't do but he doesn't let it bring him down even though deep down he's hurting

It was 1am in Atlanta it was raining outside it was light rain tonight

A Few Weeks have flown by Michael loved being in Atlanta with Chanel he felt at home and could be himself around her it was truly worth it

Michael POV

I can be myself around Chanel this has been wonderful being with her

The remaining of the week they spent time together as a couple until the wedding comes she made Michael so happy in ways he's never been happy before he couldn't wait to call her his wife

Next chapter is coming

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