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Michael POV

Rumors kept spreading about me I remained strong through it all

Chanel POV

Michael was the strongest person I ever met in my life even if the rumors are false I knew he was hurt and upset that people constantly spreading rooms about him

Chanel knew michael was a strong person ...but she knew he will always fight for his innocence

A Week Later

Chanel POV

I wanted to adopt a child it's been on my mind for some reason yes I can still get pregnant but there's so many children out there that don't have a home I was deep in thought michael walked in

Michael POV

Chanel was deep in thought so I came to see what she was doing

Chanel: can I be honest with you

Michael: yes

Chanel: I was thinking about adopting a child....what do you think

Michael: that's wonderful news

Chanel: so you like the idea

Michael: yes I do every child needs a home

Chanel: ok ...because I go and see the paperwork tomorrow and I won't meet him for another week

Michael: ok that's fine I'll come with you

Chanel: ok

Chanel was so happy to get off of her chest and michael couldn't wait to meet him tomorrow Chanel always had the biggest and it would be nice to have another child around who's adopted

The weeks went by and fast Chanel was really nervous and excited she went ahead and filled out the paperwork ...So he will be at there home tomorrow morning

Next Day

Chanel POV

Oh god I was so nervous the kids were outside playing ...we are meeting him today he's 13yrs old

Michael POV

I could tell that Chanel was very nervous but today is the day that we meet him

There was a knock on the door he was waiting for them to answer

Chanel: hi come in ...I'm Chanel and this is my husband michael

They shook hands he was very nervous but they knew it would take time for him to get use to them all

They showed him to his room it was just like any other teenager room

Parker looked around the room he left his bag on the bed ...Chanel and michael gave him a minute

They introduced Parker to their biological children he intensely got along with them but was shy

It was going to take time for him to get use to everyone and his new home ...Parker was hurt when his parents couldn't raise him he always thought they would come back but they didn't and now he had a family who will love care provide for him

Two Months Later

Chanel POV

Parker started crying when we told him that he was our son and gave us the biggest hug I got emotional ...michael and Parker were close

Michael POV

Parker was very happy when we called him our son it was a beautiful thing to watch even though it took him two months to get use to us he accepted us as his parents it was such a happy moment

Parker will be starting his first day of high tomorrow at Buford High School

Next Day

Chanel POV

Well Parker was off to school he just got on the bus I know he will do great

Michael POV

Parker started his first day of school today we just took Izzy Aaliyah And Jacob to school

Parker bus left the house he was so nervous about his first day of high school he just turned 14

Buford High School

Parker POV

I started my first day here at Buford high school I was really nervous there are a lot of kids here

He found the principals office and she was thrilled to welcome him to their son ...She gave him his schedule and welcomed him

Parker Had Social Studies First so he walked around the school to find his classroom

The teacher welcomed him to her class and he sat down

The class got started the work was very easy the school already knew that he was adopted so they made him feel welcomed

Parker went on to his next two classes then it was lunch time

Chanel And Michael Had Parker on their mind and wonder how he was doing

End Of School

Michael POV

Parker made it home he came through the back door I wonder how his first day of school went

Chanel POV

I took me a nap but all the kids were home I wonder how Parker did in school today

Parker: it was ok

Michael: ok that's good well go wash up dinners almost ready

He came upstairs and came to wash up he said hello to his mother she was happy to know that he had a good first day at school

Parker mind wasn't even on his biological parents michael and Chanel made him at home and welcomed so he was comfortable

After he finished everyone came to the dinner table the children ate their food

Parker now had a family that loved him and he was forever grateful for them both and for welcoming him on being their son

When he found out that he was getting a home he didn't know what to expect but he was glade to find this wonderful family

Parker came to his room and saw a box on his bed it was from michael and Chanel ...they him a pair of new shoes and clothes to wear

Michael And Chanel walked in he thanked them for the gift he loved it

Everyone got ready for bed for tonight today was a good day for everyone ...Parker started his first day in high school and Izzy Aaliyah and Jacob had a talent show today everything was going by perfect for them

Parker used to have nightmares about his parents leaving him but now they had died down because of his new home

The Jackson family were proud to know that Chanel did something that was very thoughtful and gave him so much love

Next chapter is coming

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