Welcome Aaliyah Jackson

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Chanel POV

Our baby girl is here it is now 1998 I can't believe Izzy just turned one and now our baby girl is here she was so beautiful me and Michael were in love

Michael POV

My baby girl is here I was so happy she was so beautiful just like her mother Izzy just turned one

Michael Chanel Izzy And Aaliyah took a family
Photo it was big happy family and Izzy was so happy to see his baby sister

Born: Aaliyah Elizabeth Jackson
DOB: April 23rd 1998
Weigh: 7 pounds 4OZ
Place Of Birth: Wesley Woods Health Center
Hometown: Atlanta Georgia
Parents: Michael Jackson And Chanel Jackson

An Hour Later

Michael POV

My baby girl was so beautiful I couldn't get over this feeling I have a beautiful daughter she has my nose And Smile

Chanel POV

I was asleep Aaliyah was being feed by Michael he was overjoyed to have a daughter now ....Izzy was a big brother

Michael put her back down to sleep she was so beautiful

Next Morning

Chanel POV

We are leaving out of the hospital Thank God I don't like hospitals but I'm so happy to be going home

Michael POV

We're going home today I couldn't wait to bring baby girl home

They got in the car and were heading home the fans wished them a congratulations on the birth of their beautiful baby girl


Chanel POV

We made it home I was so exhausted and tired I need a nap but it feels so good to be home

Michael POV

We made it home Chanel was still exhausted and tired so she went to take a nap ...I brought Aaliyah up to her room

Michael into Aaliyah room and put her down she was asleep....Izzy came to see his baby sister

Chanel knocked out the moment she laid down in the bed

Chanel had black on both of the kids birth certificate since they were both black ...many people see Chanel as biracial

Michael has everything he ever wanted a beautiful wife that he loves and two beautiful children that always dreamt about having in the future they were his everything in one

Katherine sent her love to her beautiful granddaughter who she couldn't wait to meet her of course

Two Hours Later

Chanel POV

I woke up and saw that it was 10:30am oh wow I was really tired so I came to see what Michael was doing Ahh he's feeding Aaliyah so cute

Chanel grabbed her camera and took a picture of him with Aaliyah he was in love with her

A Week Later

Chanel POV

Aaliyah is a week old today she's growing so fast she likes to eat ...Michael was singing her to sleep it prevents her from crying he just found that out

Michael POV

I was singing Aaliyah asleep I found out that it prevents her from crying and she falls asleep that's nice

After she fell asleep Michael slowly put her down and walked out the room

Chanel: She's asleep

Michael: yes where's Izzy

Chanel: outside playing in the garden

Michael: ok

Michael came out to Izzy playing outside he was such a happy child running around like any other child

Michael: it's time to come inside dinners ready

Izzy: ok

They came inside and Michael locked the door Izzy came to eat his food so he can get ready for bed tonight

Michael started his bath he made sure the water was warm for him to get in it

Izzy blew bubbles at Michael and he laughed it was the cutest thing ever

Michael washed his hair his curls started to show as he was getting his hair washed

Izzy got out the tub and dried off he put on his night clothes ....Michael tuck him into bed and read him a bedtime story ....Izzy was fast asleep Michael kissed his forehead and turned on his night light

Aaliyah was getting a bath she was the cutest baby ever Chanel put on her night clothes Chanel was making her laugh

Chanel came to get ready for bed Michael was making sure everything was locked in the house

Michael And Chanel said goodnight to each other and went to sleep


Chanel POV

I got up to change Chanel I sat down until she fell asleep and I ended falling asleep in the chair with her in my arms ...

After a good five minutes Michael didn't feel her in bed

Michael POV

I woke up and didn't feel Chanel so I came to liyah room and saw her asleep Ahh that is so cute

Michael put liyah back to bed and brought Chanel to the room

He turned the light back off and went to sleep next to Chanel who was tired

The kids were fully asleep and the house was quiet it started to rain outside Georgia was getting rain after two whole weeks of having some sun shine

Michael And Chanel were cuddled up together until Michael began having a sex dream

Chanel woke up cause she felt Michael poking her in the butt she knew he was having a sex dream

Chanel: Michael you're poking me

Michael: sorry

Chanel: it's ok

It was like the first the rest of the night Chanel woke him up and told Michael to turn over she got on top of him and they had sex

Michael liked the way Chanel moved her body on top of him and they went back to sleep afterwards

It began to heavy rain outside Chanel knocked Michael out after having sex

The whole family sent them a letter in the mail talking about having a dinner with the kids

Next Day

Michael POV

My mother invited us to dinner with the kids tonight she was always very thoughtful

Chanel POV

Michael mother invited us to dinner tonight she was always thoughtful

They spent the whole day together until they flew out to Los Angeles to have dinner with them family everyone was so happy to see the kids it was full of laughter and joy for everyone

Next chapter is coming

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