Febuary 21st 1997

27 0 0

Chanel POV

Our son was here I can't believe he's so cute our handsome baby he has Michael eyes and smile hi baby mommy loves you

Michael POV

My son is here I couldn't believe I was in tears I held my son for the first time it felt wonderful

They had their first family photo together as a family Chanel and Michael were overjoyed

Name: Izzy Joseph Jackson
Born: February 21st 1997
Weight8 pounds 1oz
Place or birth: Wesley woods hospital
Hometown: Atlanta Georgia
Parents: Michael Joseph Jackson And Chanel Taylor Jackson

An Hour Later

Chanel POV

I just came back to the room I had to walk I was in so much pain I saw Michael asleep Ahh he's so cute guess I'll go to sleep as well it's 10:00 and I leave tomorrow morning

Michael POV

Chanel just came back to the room so I was asleep she leaves tomorrow I was so excited

Chanel Michael And Izzy were all asleep for tonight the Jackson family couldn't wait to meet him

Next Morning

Chanel POV

We are leaving today I was so happy Michael was putting Izzy in his car seat I know he was excited about bringing Izzy home

Michael POV

Izzy is coming up today I was so excited to start this journey as a dad

Chanel: Are you guys ready

Michael: yes

Chanel: ok let's go

She signed out of the hospital and drove them home she was excited to be a mother and couldn't wait for the journey she knew Michael was excited about the whole thing

Two Months Later

Chanel POV

Baby boy is two months and I just found out that I'm pregnant again I couldn't believe it I screamed so loud that Michael ran upstairs

Michael POV

I was in the kitchen until I heard Chanel scream I came running upstairs

Chanel: Sorry

Michael: it's ok ...are you ok

Chanel: but I have some exciting news for you

Michael: ok

Chanel: I'm pregnant again

Michael was so excited they were having another baby

Chanel: you didn't wait long to have another one

Michael: I know...Sorry

Chanel: it's ok this is what you always wanted so you have it I just didn't think you would do it so soon

Michael: I know

Chanel rolled her eyes she knew Michael was a freak in the sheets and nobody knew that but her

Michael laughed cause he knew Chanel was serious about it but she excited to be having another baby

A Week Later

Chanel POV

My doctor just told me that I was only two months into my pregnancy oh wow that's shocking news I couldn't believe it but I was excited

Michael POV

Chanel was two months into her pregnancy which was shocking to us both but I'm excited to be having another baby

Izzy was going to be a big brother Chanel had the perfect name for her

Since her favorite singer was Aaliyah she was going to name her Aaliyah but it will be kept a secert until she arrives Chanel knew she was having a good she had really good instincts

Chanel POV

I knew I was going to have a girl I can feel it I have the perfect name I was going to name Aaliyah who is my favorite singer at the moment

The Family wished Michael And Chanel a congratulations Michael was excited he's getting everything he always wanted and that was to have children

Chanel was writing down middle names for her daughter and it was a long list but It'll be worth it in the end

Izzy was asleep Michael couldn't help but take his picture he was an angel when he slept

Chanel: are you taking pictures again

Michael: yes he's just to cute

Chanel: I know he has your looks you know

Michael: I know there isn't anything wrong with that

Chanel And Michael laughed it was so true he has his father looks

Chanel: our family is expanding with our little bundle of joy

Michael: I know

He began talking to the baby even though she was only two months these are moments that Chanel enjoy with Michael

They were a big happy family and everything was perfect for Michael he has a family that he can call his own now and forever

Michael hasn't been back home to neverland since he got married to Chanel he needed to get away from all the drama and the false accusations against him Michael knew he was innocent

Izzy And The new bundle of joy will be loved and giving the love and care that they need as they get older

Katherine Janet And Everyone was happy For Michael everyone was working out perfectly for Michael and he was happy

Izzy was going to be a happy go lucky person when he gets older ...Chanel never thought that she would be a mother but she enjoys every part of being a mother to her son and now the new baby

Her mother called and gave them the highest congratulations she was going to be a grandma again she couldn't wait to see the bundle of joy her daughter was a mother now and it was a beautiful thing to see and experience with her

Chanel couldn't wait to see her mother coming to visit again and talking about the baby shower etc moments like these she enjoys so much it was worth ....Chanel will always protect her family that's expanding she still couldn't believe that she was a mother and it was going to be a long journey ahead for the both of them

After a good few hours Chanel fell asleep Michael took a bath so he can feel nice and clean for bed

Michael POV

Just put Izzy down for his bedtime now I'm in the shower I was so happy to be having another baby this was a dream come true to me I'm getting everything I always wanted and that's having children

Michael brushed his teeth and turned the light he thanked Chanel for everything and went to sleep

Next chapter is coming

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