Izzy 2nd birthday

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Michael POV

Izzy is two years old today I can't believe he's grown so much he's the light liners version of me

Chanel POV

Izzy is two years old he's growing so fast can't believe how fast he's growing Aaliyah birthday is coming up as well she'll one soon

Michael And Izzy came outside he began running around the house outside in the back ...the whole family was on their way

Izzy was playing around Aaliyah was already crawling around enjoying the view of their beautiful home

An Hour Later

Chanel POV

We just said happy birthday to Izzy he was so excited to blow out the candles Michael was holding Aaliyah

Michael POV

Izzy was so excited to blow out the candles Aaliyah wanted cake she loves sweets ...Her birthday was up next in two more months

Izzy opened his presents he loved everything that everyone brought him for his birthday he wasn't picky at all

It was a good time everyone was laughing and having a good time talking about the good old days ...Michael was making Aaliyah laugh

End Of Party

Chanel POV

Both of the children are asleep Izzy had a wonderful birthday party today wit everyone now it was Aaliyah turn she'll be a whole one year in April

Michael POV

The kids are asleep Izzy had a good time at his birthday party with everyone today now it was Aaliyah turns she'll be one my children are growing up so fast

The photographer captured the special moment of the beautiful family

Chanel was already planning Aaliyah birthday she was going to be a princess

Chanel: She's going to be a princess for her first birthday

Michael: she's going to be so beautiful in that dress

Chanel: I know

Michael was excited his baby girl was turning one already the time came by so fast

A Week Later

Chanel POV

It's been a week since Izzy birthday passed Aaliyah hasn't started walking yet but today she might actually start walking Michael made it home just in time

Michael POV

It's been a week since dizzy birthday passed my baby girl hasn't walked yet I came into the living room to see Chanel

Chanel: I think she's going to all

Aaliyah got up and walked to her father they were so proud of her she was officially a walker now

Family Day

Chanel POV

We always have a family day on Friday which is my favorite day of the week cause it's close to the weekend of course

Michael POV

Today is a family day we always have them on Friday Chanel was so happy that it was Friday because it's her favorite day of the week

Izzy was running around having a good time Aaliyah was walking around

Michael was staying close the kids while Chanel went to go use the bathroom

Izzy wanted to get on the slide and Michael put him on the slide and he slide down

Chanel came back to see the kids and Michael having a good time Aaliyah was standing there with her toy In her hand ...Izzy wandered off Michael and Chanel got worried

Izzy found a cute little rabbit and came up to his parents he almost gave them a heart attack

Izzy: Can we keep him

Chanel: yes but he needs a name

Izzy: Peter

Michael: Ahh that's a nice name

Chanel: well let's go take him to the vet and buy a cage for him

They left Izzy was so happy they get to keep them bunny

Chanel: this can be you and Aaliyah childhood bunny ...first pet

Izzy: ok ...what's he doing now

Michael: he's sleeping let's leave him alone for a bit

They left him alone to sleep Izzy and Aaliyah had their first pet

A Week Later

Chanel POV

I had a towel wrapped around me I heard Michael coming upstairs ...the kids are over their grandmothers house

Michael POV

the kids are at my mothers house so I came home it was quiet I knew Chanel was upstairs

Chanel was frustrated and deep in thought Michael started her he knew she was frustrated about something

Chanel: I'm fine

He can tell by the tone of her voice that she wasn't fine

Michael turned her around and stared deep into her eyes Chanel knew Michael would do this

Chanel towel fell down and she picked it back up

Michael: I saw you naked before you know

Chanel: I know

His eyes got to her that's why her towel fell down ...Michael And Chanel ended having sex since the kids were at home

The sex got so rough that the bed broke but they kept going Michael wanted Chanel to feel better and she was cause she was getting good loving from him

Chanel ended up falling asleep now they had to get a new bed to put in their bedroom

The kids came back after a good five minutes and Michael gave them the biggest hug his hugs were always warm

He made them dinner and they got ready for bed ...he took his daughter a bath she was smiling at him for ear to ear ...he thought she was so cute

After that Michael put her night clothes on and give her bottle before going to bed

Chanel finished her shower and came back to bed she heard Michael walking in

Michael walked into the bathroom and started the shower after putting Aaliyah down for a bath

Michael And Chanel will have to get a new bed tomorrow since they broke the bed after having sex but they kept going after that

He turned the light and went to sleep the air came on


Michael POV

I came to change liyah diaper she was crying I washed my hands and came to lay her down she was fast asleep Izzy was still asleep as well

He came back to bed and went to sleep...Aaliyah was sleeping peacefully in his arms

Next chapter is coming

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