Deadly Promises (Rebekah, Elijah, Kol)

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Time Setting: The Vampire Diaries (Season 3-4)
Main Characters: Rebekah, Elijah, Kol
Warnings: Foul Language, Character Death
Topic: Hurt/Comfort
Notes: At the end of Season 3, Niklaus dies and the others are left in despair at what happens next.


Niklaus was dead. Their brother was dead. Rebekah couldn't get the image of her brother dying out of her head. She ran towards Elijah who stopped at the sight of his sister. "He's dead, Elijah" She sobbed, Elijah's face dropped. His little brother was dead. He pulled his baby sister into a hug, holding onto her tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder. They were going to need to inform Kol of what had happened and figure out some way to move on from this. They all had mourned Finn and he had died less than 2 weeks ago. Now they had lost Niklaus.

Rebekah had ran the car Matt was driving off to road, which killed Elena, before returned home. Now, merely an hour later Elijah called his only surviving brother, Kol. "What do you want, Elijah?" He seemed annoyed and Elijah held his breath. "I need you to return to Mystic Falls" Elijah ran his fingers through Rebekah's hair as he waited for his younger brother to respond.

"I'm already on my way. Nik didn't respond to me, I'm assuming you know nothing of that?" That had caught Elijah off guard, how could he tell Kol that their brother was dead? There wasn't a way he could do it over the phone, that would be cruel. "Elijah? What's going on?!" Kol yelled over the phone, waking Rebekah easily. "Why do I see the younger Salvatore dead on the road?" There was silence. "Are you going to answer me, Elijah?" Nothing. Kol knew something had to be wrong. "Fine. Just tell me once I get there." The younger Original spoke harshly. He was mad and confused as to what was going on until it hit him. Minutes before he saw the dead younger Salvatore he saw many more Vampires dead as well. Only one thought could come to mind. Could Niklaus have been killed? Nik had told him that he was the sire to the Salvatore so if the younger Salvatore brother was dead, his brother was dead. Kol felt his heart drop as he sped towards the mansion, nearly tearing the door down.

"Is Nik dead?!" He yelled, seeing both Elijah and Rebekah there. They both looked at him and he felt his entire facade breaking down within seconds. "Niklaus is dead..." he repeated the unsaid words from his sister's lips. Elijah just looked at him sadly and nodded. There was nothing they could do. A family of 8 had turned into a family of 3 overnight. First Henrik, then they lost any trust they had in their parents, then Finn, and now, Niklaus. All of them were dead and there was nothing any of them could do. Kol's shoulders dropped, a tear fell and he unconsciously made his way towards the coach, sitting between Rebekah and Elijah. "He's dead" Kol said once more. Elijah could tell Kol was still processing what had happened. Tears where freely streaming down his little brother's face and he hid his face in his hands. Rebekah moves towards Kol and curled into him. Clutching onto him like a vice.

Elijah moved closer towards his younger siblings, hugging both of them as he pulled them closer. They weren't able to do anything about Finn or Niklaus' deaths, but they could prevent each other from dying. Before long, Elijah had both of his younger siblings curled into him. Rebekah looked tired, nearly seconds from falling asleep whilst Kol was just looking up at the ceiling showing no emotions at all. "What are we supposed to do?" Kol asked, tearing his eyes from the ceiling to met his elder brother's eyes. "We will protect each other." Elijah answered as easily as he could, looking at his now sleeping baby sister. Kol sat up, "Can't we get him back somehow?" He asked, Elijah revolted his gaze from his younger siblings. "He was staked Kol, there is no getting him back." The younger Original sighed "Esther's heart was ripped out of her chest, she came back" Elijah looked closely at his younger brother. "Kol's right, Elijah. We have to try and get him back." They had woken Rebekah. "At the risk of losing another one of our own?" He questioned looking between both his younger siblings.

"Finn died because of the lack of having someone else there to cover his back. Nik died because there weren't enough of us there to stop it from happening." Kol spoke, looking down at his lap. "If they were to come at one of us, but the other two where there we would be able to stop it from happening." Rebekah finished, nodding slightly at Kol as Elijah was taken aback at his younger siblings explanation. The three finally sat in silence in the words that had been spoken. For once they all felt safe in each other's arms. The only thing that left them in despair was the fact that their family was missing two very important members, Finn and Niklaus. Each of them felt responsible for something that had happened. Elijah felt horrible that he wasn't there to save either of his brothers, Kol wished he had spent less time hating the two of them and that he would've never listened to Niklaus when he said to stay where he was, Rebekah just wished she had gotten there sooner, tried harder to save her brother. These words weren't spoken, rather comforted in the silence between the three siblings.

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