Before the Curse

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Indiana, as she preferred to be called by, Indy to few, smiled as she boarded a ship.

"Where are we going?" the archaeologist asked.

Hook smiled. "To the ends of the earth."

"And if we fall off?"

"I'd sooner fall and risk my life before I let you lose yours."

A light smile teased her lips. "You recall the stories, Captain, right?"

"Aye, my dear. I do. Such tales you tell."

"Tales that are true, Killian."

"They make a man wish they were true, Etty."

She scoffed lightly. "Perhaps someday you should join me."

"On a quest for the Holy Grail?"

"No. On an adventure. While pirating is an adventure in itself, risking your life and collecting artifacts is another great adventure."

Hook smiled before looking out to sea. "Brace yourself, lass. We've a storm incoming."

Minutes later, the wind picked up and before anyone realized, Indiana fell overboard and was swept under the waves.

She managed to swim up and cried, "Killian!"

But her voice was drowned out by the thunder and the crashing waves.


Sometime later, she was pulled onto shore by a prince in red.

She coughed and gasped for air.

The man helped her stand and asked, "Are you okay?"

Indiana nodded. "Where am I?"

He looked at her curiously, like he didn't expect such a question.

"Just tell me where I am. Or do I need to find a local tavern?"

"You're in the Enchanted Forest. Who are you?"

"Indiana Jones. And who might you be?"

"Prince Charming. Or so I've been nicknamed."

Indiana stepped back and shook her head as she whispered, "Impossible. Hook was right."

She waved to Prince Charming. "Thank you for the rescue, but I must be on my way."

"Wait." He handed her some food. "Be careful. Danger is everywhere."

Indiana smiled. "Danger is no stranger to me, Your Highness." She tipped her hat, which she was thankful to have miraculously kept, and walked away.

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