Among the Petals - 4.

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I simply cannot confess to him. It will be quite emberassing, besides, what are even the chances of him returning the feeling? That's right, probably close to zero, or in the negatives even.

Should I do it? Should I not?

The same question went on in my head. Then, I remembered something Pomegranate said, it came to my mind like when you see a bubble above the character in a kids cartoon; these exact words:

"If you really like someone, but don't know how to tell them, you should get close to them first. It works most of the time."

A very rare occurrence, Pomegranate giving good advice. Or atleast I think it is good.

But I have to attend a meeting first, of course.

- Small time skip -

I sat at the meeting table, waiting for our master to give the orders.

- "Well greetings my dear servants! Before I start giving out your tasks, Red velvet, how are you feeling?"

I gave a wonky thumbs-up, like I didn't just vomit up an entire bouquet worth of flowers.

- "Well, I'm assuming it hasn't went away just yet, but hang on thight, we'll find out what it is eventually, okay?" She attempted to calm me down.

- "Well actually I mMmMMm-"

I covered Strawberry crepes mouth instantly, turning their words into muffled gibberish, and giving them a "don't you fucking dare say shit" look.

- "Anyways, let's begin giving out your tasks, shall we? You guys are going to be working in pairs to destroy the following villages:"

She then points to a few locations on the map along with saying their names.

- "Alright, now I will put you in pairs. Hmm."

She looked around the room before making the decision.

Fortunately she paired me with Licoirce, as of why is a mystery, because she it still mad at me from the incident, and sometimes barely lets me near him. But hey! Good opportunity to get closer to him.

After that, we discussed tactics, coughed up a few petals but it was not as severe as usual.

But, whatever. Atleast I got paired with him, not someone like strawberry crepe.

But I just hope it goes well.


bro just confess already 💀

Anyway, thanks for reading

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