Chapter 7

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Scientists quickly came in and took out the man's body but blood still stained the floor. I had calmed down some since he had spoken but I still wanted to get away.

"Bring in the antidote," He told one of the men who were clearing the blood away.

"Yes, sir," He said rushing away.

"And you bring me the new halter," The scientist told another one of the men. This one just gave a nod before running off.

The floor had been scrubbed clean and was back to it's bright white color but the image of my tormentor lying there, would stay with me forever.

The two men had returned each carrying the item he had asked them to bring. The antidote was injected into my neck. It wasn't painful, just a light prick as it silently slid into my skin. As soon as it was taken out the head scientist walked over to me with a halter in his hands.Carefully he fitted it around my head.

"There, now to test it," I knew something was about to happen, and not something good. "Begin test on Creature 293's halter."

Nothing could have prepared me for the pain. The halter sent electricity through me covering my whole face. I could feel it burning and cutting into my skin. This was worse than the whippings I had received. Finally he commanded them to stop.

"I won't have anymore escape and die," He said angrily to no one. "Take her back to her cage."

The way he pronounced cage, it reminded me what I tried to forget. I was their experiment, nothing would change that. Unless, I heard the small voice in the back of my head propose. Unless I were to escape, it brought me back to my decision I had made what felt like a lifetime ago. I realized in that moment I would die if I stayed here, either because of that maniac or one of their tests.

All through the walk back to my cage I was plotting my attempt at freedom. One thing I knew for sure was that I couldn't trust anyone, at least not yet. My life would be in danger if I told them about my rebellious idea. 

I was put back inside but the halter was left on, whoever had the guts to try escaping must have made it far before getting killed. I was proud that some of us still had hope, but I was also saddened that I would never meet this creature. I didn't even know his name. 

I began pacing around my cage, trying to figure out how long I had been gone for. Finally I lay down, restless as my thoughts whirled around in my head. So much had happened since I was brought here. At first I had thought life would be better, now I'm not so sure. I began nibbling at the grain that had been put in my trough, they must have drugged it because I quickly feel into a deep, dreamless sleep.

I woke up and felt more refreshed than I had been in a while. I stood up and walked over to the river, to get a drink and to try clearing my head of all the questions that had returned when I awoke. I hoped I could meet with the other creatures soon. I didn't want to see the other unicorns, but Vigilante seemed nice. Then again so had Solstice.

I pushed these thoughts from my mind and tried to concentrate on planning my escape. I had only been standing there for a few minutes when a man came in. He didn't look anything like the scientists, his clothes were coated in dirt and mud as if he had recently been in a fight with a creature. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw a singe mark on his hat.

"Creature 293 I presume," He said talking to no one in particular. "Today I will be your new trainer. In the past you have been abused not trained." He took out a lead rope from a bag I hadn't noticed.

His footsteps echoed through my head and I dashed away towards the back of my enclosure. He followed me and I froze before feeling the shock that came from my halter. In that split second he grasped it attaching the lead rope before I knew what was happening. I tossed my head, whinnying loudly. A greater shock went through me as the halter buzzed again.

The pain ignited something in me and I lashed out with my hooves and horn. Kicking and and slashing at him as he dodged every blow. I continued to get shocked, each more powerful than the last until I just stood there, dizzy and tired. The trainer had remained unscathed and was shaking his head.

"If you want to see the others you had better cooperate." He told me. I shook my head lashing my tail. He acted like I wanted to see them again. "You must be better behaved tomorrow." He threatened me as he walked back down the hall.

As soon as his footsteps had disappeared, I walked over to the stream. I stood staring at my reflection. I was in more pain than when I had been whipped. This time though the marks don't show. I am just left beaten down, it's as if he is trying to crush my rebellious spark. 

I lower my head into the cold water letting it run down my dry throat. As I bring my head up I manage a slight shake of my head throwing off a few droplets of water. 

The lights begin to slowly dim and I walk over to the tree, laying under it and closing my eyes. I have no appetite for the food that was left for me.

I begin to fall into a deep slumber then the nightmares start. I heard the first scream but then I felt someone nudging me. The nightmares left and I opened my eyes. It was a human, but she had a soft look in her gaze, very different from the glares I normally got.

"Hi Celestia," She said. I recognized her voice almost immediately, she was the woman who had kept my first trainer away after the other unicorns died. "My name is Amelia."

Creatures left: 255

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