Chapter 6

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I heard beeps around me as I slowly regain consciousness. I tried to make out what the voices around me were saying but they sounded as though I was under water. I struggled to open my heavy eyelids. I wanted to rest, but I also wanted to know where I was. I forced my eyes to open a crack The lights shone bright piercing through my squinting eyelids. Slowly my eyes adjusted and I was able to open my eyes a little farther. The last thing I remember is thinking about how heavy my eyes were. Then everything went black.

"There are reports of a certain type of poison in her blood." I heard a faint voice say. He must have been one of the scientists.

"They must have been from the attack that killed the other unicorn." A deeper voice replied.

"No they weren't. They would have had to have had to have been eaten to work. I'm not stupid, I'm the lead scientist!" The first voice replied angrily. "She could have the DNA we are looking for."

"I'll start questioning her caretakers," The deep voice said.

"Good," After he said that there was silence.


I fully regained consciousness as something shattered next to my ear. It was a vial of some sort. There was a clear liquid that must have spilled out when it was dropped.

"How could you! You have jeopardized our experiments, my life's work!" The head scientist shouted. 

"I wasn't- I didn't mean too-" The other man was cut off. 

"Save it," The head scientist growled.

A door behind me crashed open and the lab security men ran in.

"Hands  where I can see them!" The one in front yelled at the man who had dropped the vial. He slowly put his shaking hands onto his head.

"Escort him out, we need to question him," The head scientist told them.

"Yes sir," They said before pointing a gun at his back and forcing him to start walking.

The doors closed behind them and I was left alone with the head scientist. He pulled a small towel out of his pocket and wiped the sweat off his face. He took his glasses off and held them in one hand.

"What am I going to do I can't trust anyone," He sighed his face filled with worry. I had no pity for him though, he was the one locking us up. He was the one who was killing us all slowly. He was putting us on display.

After a few moments there was a knock on the door and he quickly regained his composure. 

"Yes?" He called.

"He cracked sir, we found out who was giving her the poison," I heard a voice respond. 

"Do you have him?" The scientist asked.

"Yes sir," The response came slower this time, along with the sound of someone being punched.

"Bring him in," He called.

The door was opened and the sounds of someone fighting were all I could hear. I turned my head slightly so the door was in my line of vision. I almost gasped when I saw who it was. I knew that man, he was the one who had whipped me and beaten me. I turned away from him, I hated him with every fibber in my body.

Suddenly there was a gun shot and a cry of pain echoed off the walls of the room. The man was brought further into the room. Blood dripped into a puddle from a small bullet hole in his leg. A foul smell began to come from the crimson splatters. It reminded me of what I had nightmares about. It filled my nostrils and left me wishing for clean air. He pointed at me.

"Why did you poison Creature 293?" The scientist asked calmly, his face was void of all emotions.

"I was stuck with one of the worst creatures," He paused for a moment wincing at his leg. "If she were to die I would get a better one. Some caretakers have creatures that are visited by hundreds of children a day. I was stuck with five, and, a small paycheck."

"That is not a reason, it is an excuse," The head scientist said in the same eerily calm voice. "Bring me the taser."

The man's eyes went wide as he began struggling to pull away. A metal device was handed to the scientist.

"I've heard many scream in pain when we, dispose of them this way. They are, unearthly cries of pain. We only use this when someone has really messed up," He explained a hint of glee sparking in his eyes. His face quickly returned to an emotionless mask giving away nothing else.

"P-please d-don't do th-this," He begged.

"Oh I will do this, and I'll enjoy it. I haven't done anything this fun in a while," He took the device in his hand and pressed the tip against the man's chest. "Goodbye." With that the scientist pressed the button on the side and a staticky sound filled the room.

He fell to the ground shaking his eyes rolled back in his head and there was the sickening pop as his veins exploded showering blood everywhere. It coated my fur and I panicked. I quickly got to my hooves and limped as far away as I could.

When I looked back the scientist stood there coated in the crimson blood that still poured from the mangled corpse on the floor. He was grinning his teeth stained red, nothing could stop his pleased look from covering his face.

"That Creature 293, is what happens to those who displease me," He told me bloodshot eyes staring straight into my soul. "You had better be careful or you will find out how painful it is."

Fear consumed me at the thought. I ran at the door trying to get out but it was locked. I cried out, hoping someone would pity me, would take me away from this madman.

Creatures left: 255

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