Hashirama: "So why did you summoned me here super-gramps?" Smiling

Hagoromo: " Hashirama i want you to train Izuku Uchiha he is the reincarnation here of Madara"

Hashirama: " Madara your reincarnation looks awesome. Izuku nice to meet you i hope your not like grumpy over there" hashirama said smiling at Izuku

Izuku: 'wow he is so carefree' "Nice to meet you too Sensei" Izuku said smiling

Hagoromo: "so izuku for the first ten years here Madara and Hashirama will train you in controlling your chakra, they will train your body and your mind so that when you become the jinchuriki of the ten tails so that you wont get corrupted by the chakra tree and and also teach you the uchiha's interceptor fist and your mokuton abilities as well as Hashirama's personal wood sage mode the second ten year years you will train with me and kaguya in controlling the juubi chakra and how to use a new version of the rinnegan and also your rinnesharingan and i will also teach you forbidden jutsu's that can inly be access by the new verison of the rinnegan"

Izuku then nod and madara gave him the training regiment and his regiments are

100 push ups plus 50 per day
100 sit ups same plus 50 per day
10km run add 5km per day
100 pull ups add 50 per day
Wear 50 kg weights first and add 50 kg per day

Izuku was shocked that was his training regiment but accepted it.

Madara: " Do all of this everyday brat if you miss a single day doing this in which case you won't i will 100 more to it understood?"

Izuku: " H-hai sensei" said izuku a bit scared

Hashirama: " Come on Madara don't be so hard on yourself, get it" Hashirama laughs

Madara: "tch" madara then look at izuku " Make me proud show me why you are my reincarnation don't disappoint me"

Izuku filled with determination not wanting to disappoint madara and his other sensei's

Izuku: " Hai Madara-Sensei"

Izuku then began training his body

Timeskip after 8 hours he was finally finished training

Izuku was tired his lungs was about to explode and his legs were about to break he then saw madara coming towards him

Madara: "Goodjob brat you will do this everyday and now were gonna open your chakra come follow me i will show you how"

Izuku then followed Madara into a nearby tree

Madara: "Now in order to open your chakra the best way to do it is to meditate calm your mind and your body"

Izuku then meditate and a few mins. Later he calmed his mind and body

Madara: " You look calm now good now i want you to feel your surroundings feel the flame, feel your chakra"

Izuku then did as he followed after a few hours he felt something

Izuku: ' it's getting warmer and warmer' izuku then suddenly felt Vast chakra surge through him and knocking him out in the process

Suddenly Kaguya, and Hagoromo came because of the high chakra when they arrived they saw izuku lying on the ground seeing madara and hashirama shock faces

Kaguya: " What happened to Izuku-kun" Kaguya runs to Izuku touching his forehead

Madara: " It was the damn brat the chakra you felt was his it's my first time feeling that kind of huge chakra"

Kaguya was shocked at what Madara said 'he said it was Izuku-kun's chakra wow so he's chakra is on par with the juubi or more' Kaguya was feeling hot all of a sudden rubbing both of his legs

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