Ran away

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Izuku: " i hope you rot and burn in hell you fucking bastards"

Then Izuku ran into the forest

In the forest

Izuku Pov:

I'm now running inside the forest don't know where to go as i kept running i notice strange papers stick into the tree but i shrugged it off and kept running

Timeskip 30 mins of running in the forest

It's been 30 minutes since i've been running and i kept seeing those papers i stopped running
and i notice these strange like lollipop or fan some sort of symbol attach to a some kind of post

Izuku: "Ok this feels like fucking slender-man shit Oii!! Author don't you dare turn this to some scary shit!"Auhor: "Ey don't break the fourth wall you fucking shit i don't have any money to pay sero to fix this shit up"Izuku: "Ok ok jeez"

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Izuku: "Ok this feels like fucking slender-man shit Oii!! Author don't you dare turn this to some scary shit!"
Auhor: "Ey don't break the fourth wall you fucking shit i don't have any money to pay sero to fix this shit up"
Izuku: "Ok ok jeez"

I went back to running into the forest i saw some weird tall dude wearing a sock and a tux 

Slender-man: "you thinks its slender-man but it is i DIO!!!!"

Just kidding

Take 2

As i kept running i immediately stop and saw some old Japanese houses with symbols in each front of the house and i notice a big house in the center of the village

Izuku: "is this suppose to be an old village some sort" as i kept walking i notice it's already getting dark "welp guess i'll sleep in one of these houses"

I immediately went into the big house i immediately settle my stuff and cook dinner so that i can eat.
After i finished i immediately went to my sleeping bag and slept

Timeskip Morning

I woke up and immediately put up my sleeping bag and do some morning stretches and exploring the house. While exploring the house i saw a cabinet with many scrolls and a lot of kunai and papers with writings then i saw one mysterious case

Izuku: "What's this?" 'Should i open it?'

When i opened the scroll i dropped to the ground holding my head in pain i saw memories of of a guy with long black hair wearing a red armor and with eyes similar to mine too similar and i passed out not after hearing a feminine voice

???: " I'm finally free"

(A/n): sorry for short chapter next chapter will be long its just my head's aching so yeah gonna take a rest and thank you for reading if you have any suggestion or correction tell me

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