𝗑𝗏𝗂. 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖳𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾 𝖮𝖿 𝖥𝗋𝖾𝖾𝖽𝗈𝗆

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Chaos unfolded as the prisoners made a run for the door. Merchants and noblemen alike screamed in fear as they dodged each and every mage in hopes to spare themselves from any jinx. Ria threw the heavy doors open and led the magical community outside. Taehyun unbound their chains and summoned tables and chairs to shield them from the charging guards. Gunshots fired and filled the air as the group ran, earning concerned looks from the outsiders and passersby.

They bursted out of the building just in time and Taehyun held up a hand to signal Kai and Yeonjun who stood in alarm upon hearing the disturbing explosions.

"Ria, lead my people to the shore!" Taehyun ordered, beckoning them to move forward. "Beomgyu will meet you near the big rock! Go on, hurry!"

The girl nodded. "You heard him! Come on, quick!"

More guards rounded from every corner. They all surrounded Taehyun who held his arms up in defense. The blonde mage spotted a stack of barrels stored beside a small shop. Muttering a hasty incantation, he summoned the round containers and sent them rolling towards an armed group on his right. One of the men pulled the trigger and another deafening bang was heard. Luckily, Taehyun was able to dodge. He reached for Kai's palm and the healer hoisted him to fair heights, causing the remaining guards to fire in the air.

Yeonjun jumped from one roof to another as three guards tried to shoot him down. The fire guardian took off his gloves and set his palms aglow, mustering a huge fireball before catapulting it straight to the huddle, earning loud shrills and profanity as their faces burned and melted.

Kai carefully dropped Taehyun behind a building to prepare. Stripping out of his midnight blue cloak, the blonde mage rounded behind a wall to spy. About a dozen cannons rolled out of a distant shed. Countless men heaved heavy cannonballs and stuffed them inside each and every shell, ready to blast. Kai gulped. Looking west, the pair saw Soobin standing on top of a high seawall, his hands disappearing behind two spheres of white light. Ria wasn't too far ahead, rushing the escapees inside a bigger ship Beomgyu had managed to steal.

"So far, so good." Taehyun commented. "We just need to get out of here in a jitter. Beomgyu better start commandeering or else-"


Yeonjun's voice reached their ears as he belted out an ill grunt. Kai abruptly flew towards his direction to see a bullet pierce through his left shoulder. His clothes began to stain as blood oozed out of the wound. The fire guardian winced in pain as Kai gently carried him in his arms. Prying guards tailed them with their weapons raised. With a single command, they all simultaneously fired at Kai who flinched as one poked a hole in his wing.

Taehyun bewitched signboards and large planks. Stepping out of his hiding spot, he charged with his materials and shoved each and everyone to the side. A couple men came crashing through brittle walls and boxes. However, the bullets continued to rain. Smoke and bits of wood permeated the surroundings as the locals ran around in panic. Children cried for their parents, merchants and rich families hurried to their respective ships and carriages, vendors and workers rushed to shelter as the chaos unraveled before their eyes.

More officials came to view and saw Ria and the prisoners speeding towards a moving ship, thus they went to chase them.

"Lady!" An female air guardian shrieked. "They're after us! The guards!"

Ria bit her lip as trouble filled her senses. "Can't you do something? Use your magic! There's plenty of you!"

"We can't!" A young fire guardian wailed. "Many of us have tried! No luck! They're fast enough to counter our hexes!"

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