𝗏. 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖮𝖽𝖽-𝖤𝗒𝖾𝖽 𝖢𝖺𝗍

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Soobin had eventually sneaked out of the bakeshop. He had a little bindle full of buns slung over his shoulder. At last, he's found the courage to abandon the old, sickening establishment. He no longer had to endure the suppression and mistreatment. No more bad days. No more sad nights. Just him and his fellows venturing the world to save their guild. Soobin gulped. He was about to breathe something new.

"Over here!" Kai waved near the village's exit. "Soobin! Soobin!"

The blue-haired boy grinned widely. He tugged on his dark robes and jogged to the small crowd. Ria approached him with glee.

"Are you ready?"

"As I can ever be." Soobin heavily exhaled. "I can't believe I'm leaving this place."

"Best savor the taste of sweet, sweet freedom, brother." Yeonjun led the way. "Say goodbye to your pesky, little clan."

The rest of them followed the fire guardian. Out of Marigold Hills and into the meadows they trodded, basking underneath the dim moonshine. Cielo willingly perched on top of Kai's head to flex her bright, yellow luminance. Taehyun walked far behind, observing his team. His best friend doted on his phoenix. Yeonjun nonchalantly twirled his axe as he whistled. Soobin and Ria stayed close to each other, chatting. Fireflies lazily hovered above the itchy grass. The soft blades of the evergreen carpet tickled their knees. Crickets noisily sang a messy chorus. An owl just flew by. Tonight was peaceful- except for the two moons eerily watching them from the diamond-dotted sky.

"Even here, huh?" Ria mumbled. "Honestly, what does he want?"

"Attention, praise, and worship." Yeonjun sighed. "What a self-centered cat."

"Careful with your words," Kai warned. "He can hear us."

"Good, 'cause he needs to know how much of a blunder he is." Ria remarked. "Estupido."

Taehyun clicked his tongue. "Enough."

"Ria," Soobin chirped. "Honestly, where are you from?"

"I came from my mother's womb."

"Water guardian," Taehyun called. "Tell us more about yourself."

"First of all, I have a name." Soobin clarified. "My adoptive family; they took me in when I was 12. I never knew where my real parents were. My magic blossomed a year after I moved to the bakery."

"They immediately tried to break it. I was forced to live normally. My stepsisters never liked the way I played with the raindrops. My stepbrother hated the fact that I could split the nearby creek in half."

"They saw me as an outcast. A potential danger. My stepfather had once threatened to expose me unless I became his puppet. He made me work tirelessly. He moved my bed to the basement. He made me feel as if I never actually belonged."

"That man's nothing but a selfish hog," Yeonjun scoffed, placing his hands behind his head. "I would've strangled him if I were you."

"Please," Ria groaned. "I would've ran away."

"I didn't have the guts to rebel," Soobin admitted. "I was a coward. I let them trample over me. I shouldn't have."

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