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Clare Hall, Dorset

September 2012

Alice's birthday was in a few days, three to be exact, but the Duke of Suffolk had her favourite dessert made in honour of her birthday and arrival as they ate at Clare Hall's formal dinning room to celebrate Alice's arrival

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Alice's birthday was in a few days, three to be exact, but the Duke of Suffolk had her favourite dessert made in honour of her birthday and arrival as they ate at Clare Hall's formal dinning room to celebrate Alice's arrival. It had been a more formal dinner than she would have liked, but Hugh was the nicest and most kind person Alice knew and there was no way she would be telling him she didn't particularly enjoy formal dinners. 

They all drank and laughed as Alice and Hugh led the conversation and talked about nearly every topic possible in the span of one evening. However, as Alice should have expected, the topic of her "no ring" came about sooner than she had planned and before she could actually relax completely under the spell of the very expensive wine the Duke had chosen to celebrate her. 

The Princess' cheeks grew redder as the Duke continued talking about all of Alice's failed relationships until he actually got to the point he was truly interested in. 

"I'm not seeing anyone, Hugh." 

"But why? With all due respect, Alice, a woman like you shouldn't be single. For goddess sake who would be crazy enough to pass on a princess as beautiful as you?" 

It was the wine talking, Alice was aware of that, but the Duke continued on, now with an unnecessary apology for something only someone who didn't know them would assume otherwise. 

"And you know I say all of this with the highest respect, I have always viewed you as a daughter, Alice." 

"I know, Hugh. You don't need to explain yourself." Alice said with a smile as she took another sip of her wine. "But I guess some man just don't see it the way you do." 

"Oh I know. And I have a prime example living under my own roof." 

It was Edward's turn to turn red, but differently from Alice, Edward was red with anger. He knew what he had done, he didn't need his father's constant reminder or berating. But before Edward said anything he looked over at Alice, who was seated right in front of him, who simply smiled, an apology clear in the way her eyes twinkled under the candlelight. And, just as quick as it had appeared, Edward's anger dissipated and he gave her a sad smile. 

"I have a friend, and he has a son who is around Edward's age. I think you two would make a beautiful couple." 

Alice let out a laugh, feelings her cheeks go red, before looking to the Duke with a kind smile. 

"I thank you for your cupid services, Hugh, but I'm truly not looking for a relationship right now." 

"I'll give you his number either way, so when you're ready you know who to call." 

And for the next half hour, until Alice announced she was tired from the travel and wanted to rest, the Duke of Suffolk talked about the guy he thought was so perfect for Alice while they all listened, with Alice sometimes asking questions to seem interested in whoever the man was. 

Anastacia had marched out of the dinning room as soon as the Duke got up and Alice and Edward rushed to help him up to his bedroom; the marchioness wasn't very happy about how the night had gone and she wasn't afraid to show it, which meant she would probably be waiting to scream at Edward as soon as he got to their bedroom. 

Alice and Edward left the Duke with his trusted butler who promised his princess to take good care of the half-drunk Duke, before the two youngsters made their way to the other side of the house, where both of their bedrooms were located. 

"How have you been?" 

Edward took the lead that time as they slowly made their way up the stairs, neither of them truly wanting to go to bed just yet, even if it was clear they were both tired. 

"I don't know if you really want to know how I am, Edward." 

"Believe me, Alice, that's the only thing I care about right now." 

Alice's heart seemed to skip a beat, even if she would never admit that to herself, or anyone else for that matter. 

"I'll tell you if you tell me, Edward. Especially after the unhappy expression your wife had all throughout dinner." 

Edward let out a sigh as his hand went through his hair, taking it out of the perfect shape it had been before. 

"I'm sorry about her. She is still adapting to her new life, and she's young."

"I get it, Edward, there's no need for you to apologise. I just would like to keep my nickname out of her mouth for now." 

Alice noticed immediately that she sounded a little like the snobbish princess people sometimes imagined her to be, so she was quick to try and reverse the situation. 

"It's not that I don't like her, it's not that. I just don't have a close enough relationship with her and because of that it doesn't feel right." 

"Calm down, Alice." Edward laughed as his princess tried to explain herself needlessly. "Don't explain yourself, I get it. And I think Anastacia got the message as well." 

Alice muttered a 'Thank God' under her breath as they arrived at her bedroom door, marking this like the probable end of their conversation, at least for this evening. Lily opened the door and turned to Edward before she even took the first step inside the room. 

"I will tell you soon, Edward, don't worry." She gave him a smile before getting on her tiptoes and close her arms around the broad frame of the marquess of Dorset. 

"I just worry about you, Lily." Edward whispered against Lily's soft hair, bringing her closer to him, feeling her arm body against his own. 

"I know." She tightened the hug for half a second before letting him go, still with a smile on her face. "Good night, Edward." 

"Good night, Lily." 

There was something different in Alice's smile as she entered her suite and closed the door behind her. But Edward was too focused on his own feeling of lost to try and put a finger on what Alice's smile was actually hiding. It felt like a part of Edward had gone with Alice when she let go from their hug, and Edward wasn't sure if he was ever going to get it back under the current circumstances. 

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