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Windsor Castle, Windsor

September 2007

The party had been in the Family's calendar for the better part of two years now, really more or less since her 19th birthday and the year her father had gotten married

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The party had been in the Family's calendar for the better part of two years now, really more or less since her 19th birthday and the year her father had gotten married. Alice and Camilla had been working together to put together the perfect birthday party for the only daughter of the Prince of Wales, and it had turned out better than anyone could have imagined. 

Alice at first was against a 21st birthday party for the simple reason that her mother wouldn't be there, but her opinion changed as time passed, and, as expected, it would be a lie to say her brothers didn't play a special role in convincing her. In the end, by the time Harry had turned twenty one Alice had already agreed a party would be taking place when the time came. 

Her first idea had been a simple garden party on the gardens of Balmoral, after all the Queen would be there at the time of the celebrations. Her plans started to shift into a new direction when she sat down with her brother, William, and he explained why he loved his own birthday party, and how he wouldn't have done anything different. William had had a blast with his birthday party, and although Alice had only really stayed for the dinner and happy birthday portion of the festivities, she could still remember the atmosphere and how everyone seemed simply happy to be there. The Queen agreed and the previous plan was scrapped, with their attention now turning to London, where most of her friends and family would be able to attend the festivities. 

The Queen first suggested Clarence House or the gardens of Buckingham Palace, but Alice wanted something different; then her father suggested the Ritz Hotel, which Alice contemplated for a while, but then she decided that it wouldn't provide her with the privacy her and her friends would want to enjoy the party. 

"Maybe then London isn't the best option, Alice." Her stepmother had said during one of their biweekly meetings at Clarence House. 

"But it is the capital, and it would be much more convenient."

"Well, if you lived in the 1800s of course, but now we have cars, and nothing is that far away anymore." 

And that made her think. So Alice went back to her Grandmother with a request. 


"Yes. I know Wills already had his part there, and it is the place you go back to during the weekends. But it has all the privacy we would ever require, and my friends could stay at some of the hotels nearby." 

Her grandmother gave her a warm smile, taking her granddaughter's hands between her own and nodding her head. 

"Of course you can have the party there, dearest. Do you have a date?"

"We thought the weekend before. The 8th would be perfect."

"I don't believe we have anything, but I will talk to my private secretary and let you know."

"Thank you, Granny!" 

And just like it had been decided. Alice had been sure from very early on that she didn't want a theme similar to what her brother had had, but she had always enjoyed a few romance books where a masquerade ball would take place, so it was easy to determine where the inspiration for the flowers and decorations would come from. And like they say, time passes when you're having fun. The two years became one, which became six months, and in the blink of an eye there it was, the day of her birthday party. 

Dinner had gone splendidly and the Queen's chef had done a wonderful job with the menu, even incorporating the birthday girl's favourite dessert, English Trifle. They sang happy birthday with the most beautiful cake Alice had seen, and they all moved to another room where the actual party would be taking place. 

It was around 4 am when Alice was pulled into a corridor that lead to the Hall, where the party was happening, and pressed between the wooden wall and a warm body. 

"I've wanted to talk to you since I arrived."

"Well, you had a chance during dinner. In fact, you had many chances during dinner, Edward. It was your fault for not taking one of them." 

Alice was already a little over her normal limit, but she hadn't had such a wonderful time in a long while, and she wouldn't let her boyfriend's jealousy stop her from enjoying herself. 

"I tried to, Lily. You ignored me."

"No, I didn't. Edward, this is my birthday party, and I'm trying to have a good time."

"Yes I did. Look, Lily, I don't know why you've been avoiding me, and I know it wasn't something I've said because the only thing we've talked about was your party."

"You know bloody well what happened, Edward."

It took a second for him to remember what had he said or done, but then it clicked. A month ago, when she took the weekend off and visited him in his father's country estate, they had talked, really talked, about what they both wanted for their future, and specially for their future together. 

Only a few months from the moment they started dating in November 2005, the Marquess of Dorset was sure he loved Princess Alice of Wales, and he knew she had deep feelings for him too. But he was nearly five years her senior, and already in a good place in life, and he had known he not only needed to get married and have children, he wanted to. But Alice had other plans, which he expected, and he was willing to wait until she had finished her degree, but it seemed like she had different plans entirely. 

"I don't want to get married, Edward, much less have children." 

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