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Kensington Palace, London

June 1997

"I think we should reconsider

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"I think we should reconsider." 

The former Princess of Wales was a nervous reck, to put in simple words. Walking from one side to the other of her Kensington Palace Apartment's sitting room, hands carelessly moving around, having already knocking two photo frames out of their places and another close call with a vase of flowers; these objects were all rescued by Diana's trusted friend and butler, Paul. 

The male confidante had been at Diana's service for ten years now, but it seemed like a lifetime. He had seen the Princess' children growing up and becoming more and more independent, as well as all the difficulties royal life brought to his employer and her family. But he wasn't one to judge, he was more than happy to just sit and listen when needed and say whatever his princess needed to hear at a particular time. 

This time, however, Paul wasn't really sure what he could say to help ease Diana's worries. He knew what she had to do, and what she needed to do was the best for her daughter, regardless of her own concerns over the matter. 

"She should not be taken away from me! She'll be three hours away!"

"Only three hours away."

"While William and Harry are only forty minutes!"

The Princess was in a panic, desperately trying to find reasons as to why her daughter shouldn't go, even if the girl had already been registered at the school for almost six months now. 

"She needs to go, Diana. She needs to know what freedom tastes like." 

The butler didn't normally address his employer by her first name, but now it was needed. He needed to bring Diana back to reality, and make her understand that some things can't be undone this late in the game, and that this would be best for Alice, more than she could ever imagine. 

"She could go to West Heath, where I studied. It's a good school." 

"Diana, Alice needs her privacy, and Benenden will provide her with it, as well as the sense of security she needs to grow and become the wonderful woman we both know she will be."

"But she is just a little girl, she can't leave me."

"I told you that there would come a time where all the children fly the nest. This time has come, Diana, Harry and William have already done it, Alice is the next." 

The Princess bit her lip, twisting her cold hands as she looked outside, to the patch of green grass in front of her home. She noticed, really for the first time, how she missed her engagement ring. The big stone had served as her coping mechanism whenever she was stressed or anxious during her marriage. But now that she was a divorcée she didn't have it, and she knew that wearing it, even if in private, would feel odd even for her. 

Her little birdie had turned ten last year, and was now going to a "big school" as she would often refer to the boarding house. She thought that Alice was still too small to go away, but Charles had been adamant that the princess should have the best education, away from the frenzy of the media. And Diana agreed, for the most part. She had many doubts, as any mother would, but every time she asked her daughter how she was feeling over the change, the little girl would giggle and say how happy she was. 

Alice had been pushed forward a year, since her eleventh birthday would only take place after the school term started, but the little princess was most excited for her new classes and the friends she would make. Diana would often joke that Alice was born into the perfect setting, since she couldn't stop talking and was so enthusiastic about meeting new people and learning new subjects. 

"But she is..."

"Yes, she is young, but you can't protect her forever, Diana. One day she will want her independence. Gosh, she already does."

She did, Diana knew that. Little Alice didn't need help with almost anything these days, and with William off at Eton, and Harry following him this year... Her home would be emptier than ever. And maybe that was the reason she was so stressed now. 

"Should I call Princess Alice down? The Prince of Wales should be arriving soon." 

"Yes, please, Paul." 

The former princess sat down on one of her green sofa, smoothing away any wrinkles that may have appeared during her delicate moment. She could feel her stomach in her throat and for a second, as she somewhat dosed off to her own little world, she felt that she would start gagging at any moment. 


"Hello, little birdie." 

The princess had arrived from school earlier, and had been away in the nursery finishing her homework with her nanny's help, but she still was bearing the beige uniform from Hill House. Alice kissed her mother on the cheek, receiving in return a tight hug, before sitting down in the sofa. 

Diana didn't even have time to ask how her day had been when Paul entered the room once again and announced the presence of Princess Alice's father. 


"Hello, little Lily." The Prince kissed his daughter's cheeks, while holding the little girl a few feet over the floor. Diana had a sincere smile on her face when she greeted her ex husband. 

"So, are we ready?" 

"Ready." The princess said with such a conviction that Diana asked herself if her daughter was actually just ten. "Mama?"

"As I'll ever be, birdie." 

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