Chapter 6

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Alessandra stood with her back to her brother, her arms wrapped tightly across her chest, looking out the window onto the busy Chicago streets. The siblings had decided to settle their affairs in private, which is how the pair had ended up in Matteo's office. However, neither had said a word since they had entered.

"Looks the same," Ales mumbles plainly, trying to break the awkward silence that was quickly becoming suffocating. "Never was one for change. Were you?" She adds quietly.

Matteo lets out a scoff. "Maybe so but you certainly were. Probably why you never stayed in one place for long." he throws back at her dryly. Alessandra could feel his glare drilling through her skull.

Alessandra just rolls her eyes at his sour tone before turning around to look at him. "Still one to hold grudges I see." Matteo chose to be stubborn and folded his arms, continuing to direct his harsh gaze at her, not uttering another word. "Your so childish." Ales adds shaking her head at him, "And here I thought you were the mature one."

Ales heard her brother grumble to himself but was unsure what it was that he had said. "Speak up brother, either my ears are starting to go in my old age. Or you have suddenly lost the ability the speak." Ales sends a teasing smile trying to lessen the tension and Matteo couldn't help but crack a smile. However his smile us quickly replaced with a frown.

Ales groans in frustration. "Oh come on Matteo! can't you see I'm trying here," She exclaimed, an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness flooding through her. She drops her head letting out a sigh.

"What's there to say, sister?"

"Oh, I don't know maybe. Ales it's lovely to see you, it's been such a long time, how have you been since I abandoned you." she sends him a fake smile tilting her head a bit to the side before it quickly turns into a scowl. "You could say that you missed me, but I'm guessing that's a bit of a long shot," she adds sarcastically.

"Abandon you?" he laughs at her words. "Your one to talk to. You were planning to disappear with the night, and run back to that lover of yours," he responds bitterly, his hand raising to his mouth, exhaling sharply.

"I wasn't going to abandon you," Alessandra says simply. Her eyes began to well up and she pressed her lips together waiting for his incoming reaction. Matteo turn to face her, his brows drawn together and looked at her confused. She closed her eyes and evened out her breathing "I wanted you to come with me. But I knew you wouldn't leave your precious city." Ales tells her brother, her voice faint as she anticipated his reaction.

His face turned expressionless upon hearing her words. "What?" his voice was quiet as wondered if his sister's words were true.

"I didn't want to abandon you," she repeats quietly, lifting her gaze to meet his eyes that were already on her. "If you had let me speak, I would have asked for you to come with me..."Ales trails off, her gaze dropping to the floor as tears began to fall freely down her cheeks.

Alessandra lets out a sigh looking up at her brother not bothering to wipe away the presence of her tears. "Many nights I think back. You know, to what it used to be like, back home..." Alessandra brushes past him and walks over to Matteo's desk, where she notices an unopened bottle of whiskey. "Mamma, Papa, you, Dante, Isabella... me." Alessandra continues, cracking the bottle open, and pouring it into two glasses. She approaches her brother, holding the glass out for him.

He looks at her, then down at the glass, before taking it from her hand and gulping down the contents.

She saunters up to the couch in front of the window and slouches over it lazily, earning an eye roll from her brother. "What?" She inquires nonchalantly.

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