Chapter 3

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The moment she walked through the door the only thought that appeared in Alessandra's head was. "What the hell did I just walk into?"

The smell of blood and the overpowering perfume lingered through the Salvatore boarding house. Dead bodies were scattered through the halls and rock music echoed around the house.

Making his way down the mahogany staircase was Damon Salvatore, his face held a scowl seeing the number of dead bodies that would need to be cleaned up.

"Now Damon I'm pretty sure we have already discussed you're anger management issues, and your trust issues but I didn't realise I would also have to explain to you that there was a right and a wrong way to treat a woman because I'm pretty sure they didn't sign up to be a part of an all you can eat buffet," Ales smirked teasingly at her friend as she moved one of the bodies out of her way with her foot.

"This is not my mess." He grumbled following the trail of bodies that lead to the living room. The culprit sat sprawled out on the couch watching as the group of young girls played blood twister.

"Uh oh. Alexandra. Left hand, please." Stefan motioned the brunette over before sinking his fangs into her and indulging in the euphoric taste of her blood.

"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a new Persian rug." Damon interrupted as the two vampires walked closer to the scene.

"You mean they owe us a new Persian rug. It's my house too, brother." The youngest Salvatore corrected wiping off the access blood that was left on his lips.

"Ooh. would you like a spin?" Stefan asked playfully before noticing Alessandra who stood beside his brother.

"And who might you be? I don't believe we have met." Stefan set his eyes on the blonde who stood before him, his eyes beginning to wander.

"Eyes up here buddy" Ales sassed glaring at the vampire.

"Feisty little thing you got here, Damon. Is she your new plaything?"

She growled, narrowing her eyes towards him. Within seconds Alessandra had her hand around his throat and the young vampire was pinned against the wall.

"Best not piss off a vampire who has a good six hundred years on you, little Salvatore." Alessandra threatened, raising her brow, smirking at him menacingly.

"Probably best to mention, that Ales has some unresolved anger issues" Damon smirks at his younger brother "perhaps it would be best you don't piss her off, Stef" Stefan glared at the two in response.

She let Damon's brother go, before taking her original spot beside her friend.

"So is this what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena"

"These ladies are helping me be all that I can be." He expressed sarcastically before being interrupted by a knock on the door.

Damon opened the door and there stood the youngest of the Mikaelsons. Rebekah brushed past Damon and walked in like she owned the place asking for the humanity-less Stefan.

"Who the hell are you?" Damon questioned the female vampire rudely.

"Rebekah, What are you doing here?" The original's face lit up hearing her dear friend's voice and turned round to face her.

"There you are Al, I was wondering where you disappeared after last night."

"You won't believe it, Al, he left me here. My brother actually left me here." Totally forgetting about the Salvatore brothers' presence.

"Oh, I'm sorry your tone implies that I am actually supposed to care," Stefan remarks sarcastically, obtaining a glare from the blonde in return.

"I can actually. It's Klaus we're talking about Bekah, Klaus does as Klaus pleases." Ales states receiving a confused glance from the girl since she rarely called him that.

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