26. Uncontrolled

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~"How often do you see them?"

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~"How often do you see them?"

"I think when I fall asleep, it happens almost every other day now. It's gotten worse."

~"I know you've told me before, but could you describe what happens again? What you see when you fall asleep?"

"Well... I'm holding a weapon and I know there's a presence near me. It's kind of- comforting?"

~"Does that mean that what you and the person are doing is mafia-related?"

"Yes.. we're partners- not like me and Hyunjae though. We worked well together. I remember... remember? I remember feeling very connected, I guess. Maybe we were more than partners. It really seems like that."

'Patient could be experiencing fear from mafia-related work. The person in the dream could be protecting him... (However, he has never shown symptoms to this.)'

~"Do you ever see this person's face?"

"No. No matter how much I try to remember what they look like, it's all a blur. It's as if everything else is crystal clear but they aren't."

~"So what you're stressed about is trying to identify that person?"

"Not identify..."

'He gets anxious while talking about this person, the farther the conversation goes on.'

"I know this person exists. This isn't just a dream, I know that this had to have happened."

~"I understand, but we don't know for sure. It could be a very realistic dream that your mind uses to cope with the numerous difficulties of being in this industry."

"It's a memory! Why won't you ever believe me? You know something happened!"

'Patient insists that his "dreams" are "memories". Very intent on proving it to be tru-'

"Stop writing in your notebook and referring to me as a patient! We're friends, Haknyeon!"

"Hyung, wait-"

Juyeon slammed the infirmary door behind him, storming out and leaving Haknyeon alone, only to worry about his friend.

'Patient has stormed out of the room, showing signs of stress. Will be diagnosed with melatonin temporarily to help with insomnia due to the visions at night.'


Jaehyun was currently at home, as in Juyeon's house, leisurely spending his free day roaming around. After all, he was on strict measures to not 'step out of the house or I'll install every possible security system available on the market!', courtesy of Juyeon.

Kiss Me If You Can | JuJaeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora