6. Side Effects

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Sunday, July 12th

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Sunday, July 12th

Juyeon had slept at the headquarters overnight, as Hyunjae had been taken to the infirmary and he didn't feel like going home.

Not when there was so much that he had to know.

He had decided to check up on the older, who was probably alone in his room, still sleeping. 

However, once Juyeon got there, he hid to the side of the door, listening in on the conversation that was going on in the room.

"Hyung, when I heard about your injury, I was so scared! You came back and immediately got hurt-"

"Ah Hyunjoon~ I'm supposed to be the one worrying about you. You're still my child, right?"

"Of course. All the way till I'm 40 years old."


Hyunjae had someone like Juyeon had Eric.

The field agent took another peek inside, seeing the eldest pet Hyunjoon's hair. He didn't look as pale as he did yesterday, but from his voice, he sounded as if he was still in some pain.

Juyeon would come back later.


"How's Hyunjae's condition?"

"We removed the chemical from his blood stream and sent it to the laboratory to try and identify it. Apparently it acted like a poison.. but we've never seen anything like it before." Sunwoo explained, taking off his gloves from dealing with other's minor injuries. "He's still going to experience some side effects, but until Haknyeon figures out what they put in him, we won't know what will happen... It's not serious, though. Give Hyunjae-hyung two weeks at the most."

Juyeon nodded at the information, thanking the younger.

"Oh- you must be Juyeon! Much handsomer in person." 

The said boy turned to see an equally handsome man walking towards him.

Familiar voice..

"Younghoon hyung?"

"That's me. How's Jaehyun?" Younghoon asked casually.

"Sunwoo- I think- told me that he'll be fine in some time. Just has to go through the side effects of whatever the hell they injected in him." Juyeon shrugged, still wanting to talk to his partner.

"Sunwoo's right. He's very strong. I'm sure this won't be too bad. Anyways, nice meeting you Juyeon." The older waved, before walking to another office in the building.

Younghoon and Hyunjae must be close-

There was suddenly a screech, before a well-known voice yelled.

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