Three Reflections, One Room

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Notes: In which today, I chose a little bit of angst and a little bit of violence.

Not even five seconds had passed since the assault began. Wilbur had gone to target the woman with the silver jacket, and Icarus flew above the person that looked like a moldy orange with goggles. Grey was with the attackers too, I couldn't mistake the mask for anything else.

The person with the tinted goggles and dark green hoodie had extended the palm of his hand towards the SUV Avery and I were in, and a hot flame engulfed the car. Avery let out a shriek, the poor girl looked terrified and as pale as a ghost.

"Avery, come up to me!" I commanded the child despite the piercing screams. Surprisingly, Avery obeyed without question.

The flames had ceased shortly after I gave the command, but the glass was too hot for my comfort, the whole car had been too hot. I unbuckled myself and reached out to Avery, yanking the child towards my lap. Looking forward, I could see the fight continue.

Wilbur and the woman in the silver jacket were going at it with kicks and jabs; Wilbur aimed for her wrists, and she aimed for his... back? She wasn't able to get around Wilbur in time before she had gotten a strong elbow to the neck, followed by a loud crack of her wrist. Even for someone like me, that sound would have stunned me for at least a few seconds.

Icarus screeched.

I didn't know where he was.

All I knew was that seconds after, he had fallen out of the sky and into the ground, wings burning and electric sparks surging throughout his body.

"Icarus!" Wilbur yelled and ran over, away from his own fight.

"Daddy!" His child yelled and extended a hand towards the windshield, and I promptly held her back from touching the glass. With all of her might and force, Avery tried to break away from me and open the door.

"You have to kill." Standing right in front of the car while making eye contact with me, was Other Me, instantly reappearing once again.

'I can't do it now.' I replied in a mumble.

"They're going to die. Do you realize that?"

From the corner of my eye, Wilbur was crouched in a defensive stance in front of Icarus, who seemed unresponsive. I didn't see Grey, I didn't see the moldy orange, it was only the same woman who had just signed herself up for another level of ass-beating in my book.

"You won't be able to save him. Give me the girl, give me Icarus, and I'll be on my way." She spoke through a voice distorter.

Avery froze in place, just to watch her father get more and more tense.

"I made a promise to those two; I'm not handing them over. What's with you guys and the cliche monologuing?" He replied.

The glass next to us shattered, and the next thing I knew, Avery was being yanked out of my grasp by someone far stronger than I. For now.

"I'm tired of waiting, Delma." Other Me hissed.

My vision had started to go blurry, as well as the strong tint of red from before returning. I tried to get out of the car before being shoved back in by a boot to my chest.

"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard Avery cry for help, kicking and screaming and thrashing around as much as she could.

Wilbur reached out a hand to her, cut off by Grey who was holding a gun to his head.

"I can only be so patient."

"And I have been patient."

My vision had gone black completely, now my hearing was being drained too. I felt around the car until I located the door, attempting a second time at getting out.

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