Chapter 3: Run from her

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Bakugou's pov


"Katsuki you have to be careful." My mother said

My parents always have wanted me to continue after them. Mother bakes and father makes clothes. I'm basically forced to do this.

I enjoy cooking but with father I get injured a lot. He at least acts like he cares. Mother always yells at me and shoves me around.

Cooking is more enjoyable though. Making clothes is only something I do when I'm mad. I always get injured somehow making clothes. We mostly make hats though, which are known for being difficult.

"Making hats are difficult." I replied

"Whatever, take these to the library and make sure you don't read any books." My mother handed me a bag of cookies.

"Thank you!" I quickly got off of my stool

She put my coat and hat on me. Then I rushed out of the door. Father is usually on his way home at this time.

My legs fastly walked to my destination. I've always been told that evil creatures lurk beyond the forest. To never trust someone so quickly.

These days everyone is just trying to survive and not be caught. Everyday someone new is missing. We think soon a war will start so we be very careful.

The cobblestone path still looks new. It was made before I was born but still looks fine. Why does it seem like we are effected more than other things?

Somehow cobblestone can look new but break quickly. Just like our minds, fine one second and the next you're crying on the floor.

I looked up at the sky, it seems to be getting dark. The moon has always been in a shape of a huge smile. Some nights it's more faded than others.

Town should be just a few minutes away. Mother doesn't want me to read books because they are forbidden. But I've never found out why they are.

Everytime I enter the library some books are chained off. I always try to take them off but it's special chains. Father told me that they only come off if it's your own book.

Walking into town was noisy. Kids are running around in circles. Adults are trying to finish work very soon.

In the middle of the town square was a fountain. It's of the rumor we all hope is true.

A teenager that was smiling, they look very happy. The rumor is that we are supposed to be saved by them.

My parents don't believe in it though. The Queens and Kings are to powerful against any normal person. Everyday I hear about it my hope gets smaller.

I slowly walk towards the library trying to sneak by people. People are everywhere around me. Opening the doors I walked inside.

"Oh hello Katsuki what can I do for you?" The librarian asked me

I put the cookies on her desk,"My mother wanted me to give you those cookies."

"You better hurry home, we don't want anything to happen to you. But thank you guys very much for these." She thanked

She smiled and I left the library. I walked down the steps and looked around me.

For some reason I smelled smoke but it's probably just someone burning something. Until I heard screams somewhere nearby.

"She's here!"

"What do we do!?"

"Hide the children!"

"She's going to take us!"

People started running and panicking. I heard the clanks of horse hooves hitting the ground. Looking around I ran for the path home.

Blood curling screams were heard as I ran. Smoke was all I smelled even after a few minutes. I heard people running towards me.

My instincts weren't working properly so I kept running. I bumped into people and fell onto the cobblestone path.

"Katsuki hurry home we have to go help people." My father said

"But what about you!?" My breath became uneasy

My mother sighed,"We'll be okay."

They hurried along the path towards town. All I did was sit there and watch as they left.

Flames were starting to rise higher. My eyes are getting blurry. I stood up, my hands were scratched from the cobblestone.

I have to go help people. My legs ran as fast as they could. The cobblestone has begun to show cracks because of overuse.

Screams were finally gone but replaced with sobs. The horses and danger seemed to be gone. People started putting the fires out.

My eyes scanned the crowds of people. But I never seen my parents. It's almost like they vanished and nobody cared.

I walked over and seen a blueish-green hat on the ground. It has brown lace on it. My hands picked the hat up, it was slightly burnt. But I realized it was something my father had made.

A few adults had come over trying to help me. Tears welled up in my eyes, but soon anger replaced. I shoved the people off of me and ran towards my home.

"I will kill that stupid Queen of Hearts for what she did."


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading and voting. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

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