Innocence and mates

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3rd POV

Aro turns to the Volturi and says "Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by the newborn Isabella, while she was still human!" "Impossible!" Caius says in disbelief "Do you think they fooled me, brother?" Rosalie and Emmett quickly walked the girls back to join the other witnesses and their family.

"Bring the informer forward" Caius orders Irina is brought towards Caius and Aro "Is that the child you saw?" "I'm not sure" Irina mumbles "Jane" Caius calls, said girl steps forward. Irina quickly says "She's changed! This child is bigger" "Then your allegations were false" Caius demands.

"The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake" Irina confirms before turning to her sisters and mouthing "I'm sorry" Edward sees that Irina is about to execute "Caius, no!" Rosalie and Esme quickly shield the girls eyes as Felix then steps forward and hits Irina and snaps her head off  "Irina!" Tanya cries out making Eira struggle against her mother and whimper.

Caius then sets fire to the rest of Irina's body, Kate and Tanya scream and run towards Aro and his army, Garrett gets hold of Kate, she uses her power to electrocute him, while Emmett grabs Tanya Carlisle then turns to Zafrina "Blind them!" He instructs Zafrina uses her power to blind Kate and Tanya, stopping them from attacking.

"We must attack!" Tanya snarls "Tanya, this is what they want. Ifyou attack now, we'll all die" Emmett says sympathetically "Please, for Leah and Eira's sake, don't do this" Tanya and Kate go limp in their capture's arms. Feeling Tanya nodding Emmett looks at Zafrina and she stops blinding Kate and Tanya.

As Tanya and Kate stop their attack on Aro and his army, Aro looks at Jane who looks reluctant to use her gift on anyone as does Alec.

Edward speaks up again with a look of disgust "Jane and Alec are mates to Emmalie. They refuse to use their gifts in case they harm someone that she cares about" everyone looked at Edward stunned before looking over at the witch twins who were looking at Seren longly.

"It appears that we are at a standstill, old friend" Aro speaks up, "And why is that?" Carlisle asks, "True, the girls are thankfully not immortal children, but rather hybrids, but the question still stands 'Are they any danger to our race?' I can see that Eira and Seren are more human, and will one day become immortal humans, but what of dear Cynthia. Can we really be certain that she is not a danger to us? To our way of life?"

This caused discomfort throughout the field.

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