Powers and acceptance

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Emmalie(Jaime) POV
After our latest discovery grandpa ordered Edward to separate from momma and us. Then he started giving us a physical exam, and drew blood. We could see the cogs turning in his head. The weird part was that he took venom samples from momma and daddy. Then he ordered us out to run tests to prove his theory before finally coming out with an explanation.

The Raven stuck close to me. I petted it's silky feathers and mentally talked with him, as everyone else converse around us. Renesmee and Alexis looked fascinated by my gift.

Everyone had migrated to the living room and momma sat holding us on a playmate with Jake holding Renesmee. Everyone else was off to the side with grandpa explaining what had happened, and most likely the cause of the imprint.

We all could hear what was said, and Jake was fascinated by this form of imprinting. Whether it was because it had to do with Renesmee or if it was because it was so similar to what the shifters did I couldn't tell. "They must've heard everything that we said while they were in the womb," grandpa theorized "Renesmee imprinted on Bella, while the twins imprinted on Rose since they were the main two that protected them."

"Would you stop calling them the twins? They're triplets! Just because Emmalie and Rosalice age slower than Renesmee it doesn't mean that they're not that! They're still mine and Bella's daughters!" Edward snapped sounding like a spoiled child.

Grandpa shook his head and held up some papers "Actually, biologically speaking, Bella was more of a surrogate for Rosalie and Emmett" "What?!" Edward snatched the papers and began skimming through them "How is this even possible?!" He said angry and confused.

Momma looked up and looked just as confused and slightly hopeful. Everyone looked at grandpa awaiting for the life changing information. Grandpa cleared his throat and began "They twins imprinted on Rosalie while in the womb. After the imprint, they're dna altered to match Rosalie and Emmett's."

"That's why they look so much like Emmett and Rose, and why on a dna test their venom matches the traces of venom found in the twins blood stream, and if you take a look at Rose's and Emmett's human medical records you'll see that they both have the same blood type as Rose and Emmett instead of having the same blood type as you and Bella like Renesmee does."

Edward was shaking as he whirled around on momma "Undo it!" He ordered her, momma looked surprised but shook her head. He snarled and took a step towards her, thankfully daddy zipped over to her side and placed himself protectively in front of us.

Grandpa spoke up again "It's too late Edward. The damage is done, there's no way to reverse it now that the twins have been born" grandma added on "Besides you and Bella still have Renesmee. You know Rose has always wanted children and this is her chance" Jacob stepped up too "If their imprint is anything like mine then separating them will literally kill everyone involved."

Momma held us a little tighter and daddy wrapped his arms around all three of us for comfort and protection. I asked Poe (the Raven) to speak on my behalf again. He agreed and flew up to the living room fire place "Besides Edward," he began catching everyone's attention.

"You're not that selfish enough to not only take what was never yours in the first place, but to kill half your family in the process, are you?" He continued cheekily, before flying back down to me and nuzzling the palm of my hand with his beak. Edward let out an angry shout, probably realizing that he'd been outvoted, and zipped back to Bella's side.

Everyone felt bad for Edward, but happy for Rose who finally got everything that she wanted.

"What about what happened in the study? How did Emmalie do that? How is Emmalie able to do that?" Momma asked grandpa. Grandpa shrugged and said "How can Edward read minds? How can Alice see the future? Or Jasper's empathy? Or Renesmee's tactical thought projection? She's gifted."

"Her gift manifested early however, and we don't know the limitations yet or how to control it. We'll have to take her to Eleazar when she's older to teach her control" Momma nodded understandingly, while daddy asked "What exactly is her gift? What about Rosalice? Will she get a gift?" Grandpa sighed and said "It appears that her gift corresponds with the personification Mother Nature. Plants, animals, and the weather all respond and obey her commands."

"As for Rosalice, I don't know. We'll wait and see. I find it difficult to think that she wouldn't inherit a gift" he explained, daddy nodded and mom said "It doesn't matter. Whether she's gifted, or not she's still an important member of this family. Forever and always" momma then placed a kiss on top of Alexis's head.

"So does that mean you accept the imprint?" Grandpa asked, momma looked at daddy questionably and hopefully. He smiled down at her and gently squeezed us into his strong arms "Of course we do!"

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