Jacob Black the dumbass

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3rd POV
After yesterday's fiasco Edward and Bella didn't dare show their faces during the morning. Renesmee spent most of her day with Jacob and Alice.

The Cullens and the Black pack were lounging around when Edward and Bella entered just as the phone rang "Is that Charlie again?" Asked Jacob. Carlisle nodded "Eventually, we'll have to tell him that Bella didn't make it."

Edward added "He needs to mourn, Bella" and Jacob nods his head in agreement. Bella sighed "Okay, we'll do it tomorrow" Emmett suddenly commented "I'm gonna miss this place" to which Carlisle responded "We'll come back. We always do."

Jacob suddenly sat up straighter "Wait, nobody said anything about leaving!" "Once people believe Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her" Carlisle explained, to which Leah demanded "So you just disappear?" "We don't have another choice, Leah" Edward said gruffly.

He was clearly stiff pissed at her about yesterday, but if he wanted an apology then he was out of luck. Leah only spoke the truth. If Bella can't handle then it's not her problem.

The Black pack all exchanged looks before leaving. Upset and fearful at the prospects of losing Eira, Seren, and Renesmee the Black pack goes to Charlie. Only to find him chopping wood. Charlie looks up to see Jacob and asks "Hey, you heard anything?"

Jacob starts unsure and nervous "Charlie, Bella is... Uh..." Thinking that he means' Bella's dead Charlie quickly denies it "No, she's not!" Leah realized what he was thinking and quickly began to reassure him "No, no, no! I mean, she's fine! She's back home and she's feeling better!"

Charlie looks relieved "Why didn't you say so? That's great!" Charlie starts walking off to go see his daughter when Jacob stops him "Wait! There's something you need to see first" Charlie looks at Jake in confusion and annoyance "I need to see Bella" he said firmly.

"Look, in order for Bella to get better, she had to change" Embry spoke up, Charlie turns his head to look at him "What do you mean, 'change'?" Jacob sighs and looks over at his pack and shrugs "Here goes nothing" Jacob and his pack starts taking their clothes off. Charlie baffled, confused and slightly embarrassed "What the hell are you doing?" Seth only said "You don't live in the world you think you do."

Charlie with painted red cheeks  said "Will all of you, please, put your clothes on!" Jacob ignored him and said "Now, this may seem strange. Really strange, but stranger things happen every day. Trust me" Suddenly Jacob, Leah, Seth, and Embry shifts into their wolf form in front of Charlie, who looks shocked and falls to the ground on his butt.

The wolves whimper and get on their bellies in an attempt to appear less threatening.

After telling the truth about the wolves to Charlie, The Black pack returned to the Cullens to explain themselves to The Cullen family.

Jacob started "Look, we solved a problem. You were leaving. What did you expect us to do?" Rosalie glared at him "You don't realize the danger you've put him in!" Jasper continued to further explain things "The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us" Jacob shook his head "No, I didn't tell him about you. Just me. I only said that Bella was different!"

Edward explained everything else after reading the packs mind "And that we have a niece who we adopted while Rosalie and Emmett had twins, and are just now returning from the hospital" Bella scowled at the lie that they gave to Charlie about the twins.  She was also pissed that he still had to be a part of her vampire life she was supposed to be a sexy badass vampire with a coven to back her up.

Now she had to continue to babysit her annoying and useless father "I mean, seriously, Jake, he's not just gonna let that go!" Carlisle decided to point ou the obvious "Did you consider the physical pain he'll put Bella through? It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down her throat!" "And that's assuming she can control her thirst" Emmett chimed in.

Jacob sighed and said "Look, Charlie's been in hell, and I know you'll be much happier with him in your life!" Which was untrue, Bella rather have no memory or reminders of her disgusting human life. Edward glared at him annoyed "Jacob, don't try and pretend you're doing this for anyone but yourself!"

Leah shrugged and started picking at her nails "Sorry you feel that way because he'll be here in 10 minutes" "What?!" Bella suddenly shrieked. The Cullens quickly help Bella get prepared to meet Charlie.

Alice places brown contact lenses in her eyes and says "These will irritate your eyes at first" Carlisle then added "The main thing is not to move too fast"Esme continued "Try taking a seat. Crossing your legs" Bella gets up to take a seat, but she moves too fast and slams into the seat and Esme nervously says "Maybe a tad slower" Carlisle nods and pinches his fingers.

"And blink at least three times a minute" Alice adds on Bella starts blinking repeatedly "Good!" Alice praises and Jacob scoffed "For a cartoon character" he mutters sarcastically. Everyone ignored him and continued coaching her "Hold your breath. It will help with the thirst" Carlisle said and Edward added "Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing."

Bella starts moving her shoulders up and down to mimic breathing like her husband said. Rosalie chimed in from her spot on the couch with Eira and Seren laying on top of her "And don't sit so straight. Humans don't do that" Bella nodded annoyed "Okay, I got it! Move around, blink, slouch" Bella hears Charlie's car park up outside the house. Esme gave her a tense smile and whispered "Good luck."

Then everyone except for Rosalie, Edward, the twins, Jacob, and Bella. Show time!

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