"That works I guess..."


George helped Dream clean up and put away his things. Since he was the one that overreacted and threw them in the first place.

Once he was done, he got ready to go elsewhere. He had a bag packed already from Snow Chester so he didn't have much packing to do. He simply added a couple items.The plan was that when George had his own place to live, he'd take the rest of his belongings.

"Are we actually doing this?" George asked, while looking out the window. Chewing on his fingernails because he wasn't allowed to smoke in the house.

"Yeah...I love you, but not like I used to." Dream admitted, finally accepting that maybe he couldn't hold onto his marriage forever.

George took the brutal blow to his chest, tearing up immediately. "What did I do? Can I at least know where it went wrong?"

"I don't know either...it's just best we seperate now. It'll keep us safer this way. The cult isn't messing around." Dream started to reflect. Remembering Bad, Sapnap, and Karl in great detail. "Fuck...the world has gone to hell."

"Yeah..." George nodded, rubbing his teardrops away. "Is there much point in living? It seems that soon the cult will have us conditioned into their ideal society."

"We just have to keep going...don't do anything stupid." Dream watched the car pull into the driveway. "Ranboo is here, time to go."

George sighed, unfortunately he didn't have much choice but to go. Surely Ranboo and Tubbo would be pleasant people to stay with, but it was far from ideal.

George turned to Dream and opened his arms. He was relieved when Dream gave him a hug. It showed that they didn't hate each other, and they still cared. "Can I still text you sometimes?"

"Yeah, text if you need me." Dream knew George struggled mentally. He didn't want him to be completely helpless with no one to talk to when he was drowning in thoughts.

George got out of the hug and played with the ring on his finger. "Is it okay if I keep this for awhile longer? I'm not ready to give it back..."

"Uh, that's fine. Keep it until you're healed enough to return it." Dream agreed to let George keep wearing his ring. "Do you want yours back?"

"No...let's exchange our rings back later...this is already too much for me." George took a deep breath.

Dream agreed with a nod and picked up George's small suitcase. "Whenever you're ready..."


"Thanks for letting me stay with you guys. Times are really tough..." George thanked the duo while looking out the car window.

"No problem man, we need to help each other at times like this. Things are scary..." Ranboo was frightened by what happened in Snow Chester. Despite the distress, be wanted to help others.

"So what happened? Are you guys over?" Tubbo asked, curiously trying to get the drama on the situation.

"We've been teetering between good and bad for awhile...I guess with the stress of what happened, we finally lost it. I think Dream wants us to eventually divorce." George needed to talk, so he didn't mind sharing some of the details.

Tubbo nodded understandably. He never would of expected the two to split, but it was best not to make it a huge deal. That would only break George further.

"You better not divorce me-" Ranboo said jokingly to his husband, just wanting to lift the agonizing mood.

"I might, if you keep pissing me off." Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"I'm not the one that left the milk out on the table! That was you!" Ranboo started a light-hearted argument that didn't mean anything.

"Oh yeah?! Well did a fucking ghost go to the fridge and take out our damn milk?!" Tubbo hissed and slapped Ranboo's shoulder. Not too hard though because he didn't want to make him crash.

"You did it! You woke up in the middle of the night last night. You probably got up and drank milk in your sleep. You do weird stuff like that all the time!" Ranboo insisted that Tubbo was to blame for the milk going bad.

"Well why didn't you get up and make sure I didn't do anything stupid!?" Tubbo still managed to twist the blame onto his beloved.

"What do I look like? Your assistant?" Ranboo asked mockingly. "I have better things to do, like sleep."

George found the arguing slightly annoying. He missed when he and Dream used to have meaningless little fights like this. They would always end up cuddling afterwards.

"You should be, you useless ballsack." Tubbo muttered and leaned on the window.

Ranboo looked just as annoyed. Not in a upsetting way, but annoyed in a somehow loving way. He knew that his husband wasn't genuinely pissed off, neither was he. "That's it, I'm throwing out your hormones."

"Ay! You dickhead, that's too far!" Tubbo gasped, but then laughed slightly from how shocking it was.

"If you want the man juice, you better keep quiet." Ranboo threatened him playfully.

Tubbo flipped Ranboo off before crossing his arms. "I can do my own shots from now on."

"Okay, bet." Ranboo grinned, knowing Tubbo would come to him for help like he always did.

"Do you guys do this often?" George spoke up, becoming concerned that he'd be dealing with this constantly.

"Nah, you'll be fine." Ranboo shrugged, but didn't really give a direct answer on wether or not they playfully argued like this all the time.

"If you hear Tubbo screaming at the top of his lungs like he's being skinned alive, don't mind it. He's been taking hormone shots for awhile now and still freaks out." Ranboo warned George that there would be some bloodcurdling screams on occasion.

"Oh um...okay? That's fine." George couldn't really do anything about it, it was their home. "Maybe just...try not to scream? Needles are scary, but you don't need to scream."

"No pain, no gain, Ranboo jabs that bad boy into my leg so hard I start bleeding out of my eyes." Tubbo put a morbid image in everyone's head.

"What?! I do not, I literally be as careful and gentle as I can!" Ranboo was upset that he would make up such a lie.

"Oh my gosh, just shut up." George finally shushed the two. "Please..." He added some respect.

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