Part 14

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Okay Rowan and I were working on deciphering the map I found and all of a sudden Penny came up to me in a huff. She looked as though she'd been running.

MC: You okay?

Penny: MC listen I don't think it's a great idea for you and Ismelda to get together.

MC: Where'd this come from?

Penny: I don't know why you like her. But you can't-

I then put my hand over her mouth.

MC: Penny there's far more important things going on right now. Beatrice is waiting for you to help her. Now then please go brew the potions please. 

Penny: Fine. But I want to talk about this.

MC: Fine by me.

She left and I looked a Rowan.

Rowan: Sabotage?

MC: Sabotage.

Rowan: Why would Penny do that?

MC: Because she's jealous. I almost asked her out because I thought Ismelda was gonna reject me. But then she almost hit me with a spell that would've made me fall in love with her.

Rowan: Is that why you were a tad off with her?

MC: Yeah. Now then did we decipher it?

Rowan: Almost. Now then what's this map for?

MC: It's a painting that we're looking for. I took this from Rakepick after she told me about it. I then came to realize that since she had it in her possession for a while. I think she knows where my brother is. I also know she's most likely is full of crap. 

Rowan: You sure?

MC: She's had to have been in the vault already. But I also checked with Snape and I gotta get some help from Dumbledore.

Rowan: Okay then.

MC: I'll be back. Hide the map.

Rowan: Alright.

I then got up and went off to Dumbledore.

POV Ismelda

I was in panic mode. Penny was already next to MC and I just bailed out of going to the library. Ugh! Merula's gonna try to get MC and now Penny is trying to completely remove me from the picture. I sighed.

Ismelda: Okay. Maybe there's something about me that I'm missing. I wonder if Snape could help.

I made my way over to Snape's classroom only to find him not being there.

Ismelda: Where is he?

Merula: He's gone to speak to Dumbledore.

I turned to see Merula.

Merula: What do you want?

Ismelda: I just wanted to see if Snape could help.

Merula: With?

Ismelda: None of your business!

Merula: Really? Well I think you should know that with Valentine's day coming up soon I'd hope you learn your place.

Ismelda: You need to learn yours.

Merula: Oh really?! Maybe I should teach you yours!

She then pulled out her wand. I was gonna pull mine out but I stopped myself. 

Ismelda: I'm not gonna fight you Merula. You aren't worth it!

Merula: Neither are you.

She put her wand away and walked off. But I couldn't help but smile I'm getting better at controlling my anger and not immediately resorting to curses. I wanna get better. 

Snape: Miss Murk...

I turned seeing Snape entering the room.

Snape: What are you doing in my classroom?

Ismelda: I wanted to asked about a potion that could help me look back on a memory. Is that possible?

Snape: Of course. I believe the potion in question is called memory drought.

He walked towards a shelf with pre-made potions and grabbed one. He then looked at me.

Snape: Might I ask what you wish to use this for?

I gulped because it felt embarrassing. I tried to dodge the question.

Ismelda: Well sir I don't think you'd want to-

Snape: Actually due to your previous actions. I'd think it best to know. Now then. Talk.

I gulped once more. I thought to lie but it's Snape. He'll see right through it. I guess I have no choice.

Ismelda: I-I wanted to use it on myself. I wanted to look back at the celestial ball. 

Snape said nothing. He only stared at me. I told the truth. Why isn't he saying nothing?

Snape: Alright then here.

He handed me the potion. I thanked him and quickly went on my way only to be stopped.

Snape: Drink it here. Now.

Ismelda: W-what?

Snape: I demand you drink it here. Or there will be a point penalty and punishment.

I didn't wanna relive nice memories with Snape staring me down. But if I wanted to get answers then I guess it's the only way. I sat down and drank the potion. Immediately I was being overwhelmed by memories. Until it all I remembered the days leading up to the celestial ball.

(Flashback next chapter!)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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