Part 8

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POV Ismelda

As MC and I were walking to the courtyard I noticed MC looking a bit down but I brushed it off as him having an off day. After a few minutes of walking we made it and started planning.

MC: So Ismelda what ideas do you have in mind for making Barnaby notice you.

Ismelda: Well actually I wanted to ask you about Liz.

MC: Liz?

Ismelda: Yeah you know the four eyed animal loving girl.

MC: Yeah what about her?

Ismelda: Well i'm pretty sure she likes Barnaby and that's a big problem.

When I said those words I saw MC's eyes flicker almost as if he wondered about something. But in almost the same instant they went back to their dull color of old.

MC:...This could be a problem.

Ismelda: You think.

MC: But I have a solution.

Ismelda: Which is?

MC: Ask him out.

I couldn't believe what he just said. He wants me to just ask out Barnaby. Is he insane. But before I could form my any words he sensed my discomfort and explained further.

MC: Listen there's a festival coming up soon. If you ask out Barnaby and have him go with you to the festival you don't have to worry about planning anything.

Ismelda: (blushing slightly) Oh... You're right.

MC: Also I'm sure Hagrid and Kettleburn will bring creatures for some sort of petting zoo and do you know what that means.

Ismelda: That Liz will be out of the way.

MC: Exactly. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go meet Barnaby.

Ismelda: Why?

MC: Because I want to make sure he understands what's happening when you do ask him.

Ismelda: Thanks MC.

MC: Anytime Ismelda.

As I watched MC head towards the Great Hall I noticed someone following behind him at a distance but I thought nothing of it but it did look like they were holding something. I went off to my Common room and waited for MC to finish his side of the plan.


I dragged myself to the Great Hall and unluckily for me Barnaby was there and he was sitting by himself so I took the seat in front of him and we began talking. 

Barnaby: Hey MC how are ya!

MC: I'm fine but I wanted to ask you about the festival coming up.

Barnaby: Oh yeah I was meaning to ask you about that. Um what's a Fest val?

MC: Festivals are fun places where you can do all sorts of fun activities like face painting and dueling. You know things like that.

Barnaby: Oh cool. So what did you want to talk to me about.

MC: Well I wanted to know if-

Before I could continue a plate of two sandwiches appeared in front of me which is weird considering I did summon anything. I was gonna eat but because of my constant neglect of my health lately I decided to take a small bite. But this tasted weird. This sandwich wasn't normal but I felt something inside of me changing but after a while I ignored it and went back to what I was supposed to do.

??? POV

???: (staring from a distance) Now you're all mine MC.

Merula POV

I was headed  to the common room when I noticed Ismelda headed there as well so I decided to walk along side her and chat with her about MC and Barnaby.

Merula: Hey Ismelda.

Ismelda: Hello Merula. Do you need something?

Merula: No but I wanna talk to you about MC.

Ismelda: Why? You know he doesn't like you in that way and probably never will.

Merula: I know that but I want to ask him to the festival and I don't know how to go about it after everything.

Ismelda: Well you probably shouldn't even..... Wait a minute.

Merula: What?

Ismelda: I have an Idea.

Merula: What is it and will I have to do anything stupid.

Ismelda: No.

Merula: Okay what is it?

Ismelda: You see MC is helping me get Barnaby to go to the festival with me.

Merula: Okay and?

Ismelda: And that means if you ask MC we can turn it into a double date.

Merula: What's in it for you?

Ismelda: MC's help if I mess up and you and I together means everyone is less likely to come near us. The only problem is MC agreeing but I'll talk to him.

Merula: Ismelda that's probably the most brilliant idea anyone has ever had.

Ismelda: I know thank me later. Right now let me lock down Barnaby.

Merula: Okay!

We reached the common room and to say I was excited was and understatement. I might actually get a date with MC! I'm super happy and proud of Ismelda for coming up with such a great idea.

(next day)

POV Penny

I was brewing a potion in the artifact room when Rowan and Ben walked in and greeted me with hurt smiles. I knew why they were hurt it was because of what MC said back at the three broomsticks.

Penny: Hey guys how are you feeling.

Rowan: Honestly very awful. I feel like I failed as a friend to MC.

Ben: Same here. We've been trying to figure out what to do for days.

Penny: Well try not to worry the festival is coming up in a few days. Maybe that will lighten his spirits up a little.

Rowan: Yeah but that solution is only temporary what will we do after.

Penny: We'll come to that when we get to it. 

Just then Tulip came into the room looking very excited about something.

Tulip: Guys guess what! I solved MC's problem.

Penny: What! How?

Tulip smiled brightly but something about was really off. It wasn't a genuine smile of helping your friend but a smile of greed and satisfaction.

Rowan: Tulip! Don't just stand there tell us what you did.

Tulip: I gave MC a Love Potion!

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