Part 6

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I was angry because why would Merula want to use a love potion on me? She's hated me for years and now all of a sudden she wants to date me? I want answers.


MC: I'm waiting Merula.

Penny: MC?

MC: Yeah penny.

Penny: Calm down please.

MC: Why? She wants to use a fucking love potion on me and for what? She's hated me since first year and now all of a sudden she's in love with me, that doesn't make sense.

Penny: MC please put your wand away. I know you're mad but please calm down.

MC: Not until I get my answers! Merula start talking!

Ismelda: MC? Listen Merula and I both weren't thinking straight we were just feeling insecure that's all.

MC: ( lowers wand) That doesn't explain why she's interested in me.

Ismelda: Well a lot of people noticed that you haven't been yourself lately.

MC: How?

Penny: MC? You've been very short tempered lately and it's been worrying our friends. You haven't been hanging out with everyone, you barely take care of yourself, and above all your eyes have been red like you've been crying. MC are you okay?

MC:......No but I'll be fine.

Penny: Can we talk about it?

MC: Later we'll gather everyone at the three broomsticks. But first (turns to Merula) Explanation please?

Merula: (Blushing slightly) W-well it's because you've been different lately and I found it very attractive. Especially when you lashed out at Dumbledore. That's what really made me interested because I saw more than just that goody two shoes MC, I saw a real man.

After Merula's confession (if it could be called that) I thought about how she attacked me and my friends. How she called Ben a "mudblood" along with all the "I'm the most powerful witch" Bullshit. But I didn't like this. I don't like how it took me finally snapping at her to see me as more than the "goody two shoes curse-breaker".

MC: Merula?

Merula: Yes MC.

MC: We can't be together. You clearly don't respect who I am as a person and after all we've been through I can't see us dating.

Like I thought Merula didn't take this news too well and stormed off. But Penny was right I haven't been honest with everyone and I should talk to them and tell them what's going on.

Ismelda: MC?

MC: Yeah Ismelda?

Ismelda: If you want I would like help with Barnaby.

Penny: Um Ismelda I don't think that's a good idea.

Ismelda: Why?

Penny: Because MC Lo-

MC: I can help.

Ismelda: Really?

MC: Yeah just let me hang out with my friends first and then I'll help you out with whatever you need.

Ismelda jumped into my arms unexpectedly. I felt this very warm and soothing feeling flowing through me and I didn't want to let go but I knew I had too so I did.

Ismelda: Thanks so much MC and thanks for the kind words. I see why everyone likes you so much.

I smiled and watch as Ismelda walked out of the artifact room and vanished. Penny approached me looking worried.

Penny: MC? Why would you do that. You love Ismelda why help her date Barnaby?

MC: Penny, when you love someone you just want them happy. Now let's get everyone to the three broomsticks.

(At the three broomsticks)

As all of my friends gathered in the booth at the three broomsticks with our large Butterbeers they all stared at me with concern and questions. But first I needed to tell them something that I've been holding one to for a while.

MC: Guys I really want to apologize for not being around and being secretive.

Rowan: Don't worry MC we understand.

MC: No you don't.

Ben: What do you mean?

MC: Guys....I'm pretty sure I have depression.

POV Merula 

I was pissed off. How could MC reject me I don't understand. I was in my dorm room alone trying to figure out what'd I have to do to get MC's attention. But no matter what I thought of nothing seemed to be a solid idea. But I do know that he loves Ismelda so how about I get her with Barnaby so she'll be out of my way. Also I learned MC is helping her thanks to the eavesdropping I did just after I stormed off. So if I wait for those two to get together MC is free for the taking.

POV Ismelda

I was beyond excited and hopeful because MC has lots of friends and among them is Barnaby which means if anyone can help it's gonna be him. But I wonder what was Penny gonna say? I swear she was gonna say something but MC cut her off maybe I'll ask when MC is done getting me Barnaby. Speaking of Barnaby I see him talking to that creature loving girl and she's .......... BLUSHING! Oh hell no. I stomped over there to see what was going on.

Ismelda: Hey Four eyes,what do think you're doing!

???: Excuse me? 

Barnaby: Huh? Oh hey Ismelda! This is my friend Liz. But um where do you see four eyes?

Liz: She was talking about me Barnaby.

Barnaby: But you only have two eyes.


Liz: What are you talking about?


Snape: Can you please stop this unbearable yelling Miss Murk? Dumbledore wishes to see you in his office.

Ismelda: (widened eyes) W-what did I do?

Snape: Well other than yelling I do not know. But it's best not to keep the headmaster waiting.

Ismelda: O-okay Professor.

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