Part 7

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POV Ismelda

As I stood in front of Dumbledore's office in fear I wondered if he found out about the love potion. I was afraid because up until this point I've never been called to his office. But as I opened the door I was greeted by a nice warm smiling man in colorful robes.

Dumbledore: Ah Miss Murk how was your day?

Ismelda: F-fine I guess.

Dumbledore: No need to worry you aren't in any trouble. I just wish to discuss a few personal things with you if that's alright.

Ismelda: Oh! Um sure.

I was worrying like mad because why does he want to talk about personal things. My mind is having a dozen thoughts running through my mind.

Dumbledore: I wanted to ask about your fascination with the dark lord.

Ismelda: ...U-um well....

Dumbledore: Do you really think that the dark lord will return one day?

I gulped audibly because I knew why he was asking me this.Everyone knows I want to be a death eater. But  I won't be intimidated that easily by Dumbledore.

Ismelda: Y-yes I do believe that the dark lord will return one day.

After a few moments which felt like an eternity I waited for Dumbledore to scold me like everyone else or mock me. But he just sat there stroking his beard and eyes twinkling gently.

Dumbledore: (Smiles warmly) I believe that you are simply locking yourself away from a great life.

Ismelda: Pardon?

Dumbledore: You see the reason that I called you here was to talk about the incident with miss Emily Tyler a while ago.

Ismelda: ....Oh that....

Dumbledore: You know Miss Murk I was alerted of the incident and I wondered if there was more to you then you let on. But by all means if it's too personal then I won't pry.

To say i'm shocked would be an understatement why would Dumbledore be worried about my personal life and feelings.

Ismelda: Why does that matter to you.

Dumbledore: Because when it comes to matters of the heart others tend to be cruel and having one's personal thoughts read aloud can be very traumatic for some.

Ismelda: Professor I'm kinda lost on this conversation.

Dumbledore: Oh my apologies. Well to put it in a simpler way, What is the reason for your anger and how you treat others.

Ismelda: Well tha-

Dumbledore: Don't worry about telling me. But I should let you know that love potions can bring fates worse than death. (smiles) Now off you go.

How did he know about the love potion. I gave up on that idea but why would he ask about it. A million of thoughts were swimming through my head until I heard Dumbledore speak once again.

Dumbledore: Also Miss Murk I believe this experience you are going through will open your eyes in more ways than one.

With those words I left with a bunch of questions and no answers.


MC: Guys I'm pretty sure I have depression.

In my 5 years of Hogwarts I've never seen my friends so quiet before. But even so I patiently waited for them to take it all in before speaking again.

Rowan: U-um MC? Why didn't you say anything sooner.

Before I could elaborate I saw something that made my insides twists into knots. Penny, Tulip, and Tonks were teary eyed and everyone else looked as though they were ready to follow. I knew I should have just kept this to myself. I mean look at them. I did this them. This is my fault. why couldn't I just leave it alone.

Penny: (trying not to burst into tears) MC what lead to this happening.

MC: (standing up) Don't worry about it i'm just gonna go.

Rowan: You can't just say something like that and expect us to just let it go MC!

MC: Okay then just forget about it then.

I left my sad and confused friends in the Three broomsticks. I feel like shit like a Dementor just ripped out my happiness and I just did the same to my friends like the selfish piece of shit that I am. They're gonna die because of me. Penny's sister is already trapped be cause of me and everyone else is in trouble because of me. I should disappear but unfortunately I have to fix the mess I made. With all these thoughts in my head I went back to Hogwarts and ran into Ismelda.

MC: Hey Ismelda how was your day?

Ismelda: OH! MC I didn't notice you there i'm fine but I'm glad you're here. Are you ready to help me and Barnaby get together?

Like a knife through my chest I remembered why. Why she smiles when she sees me. That smile isn't for me.It's because I'm her pawn. I'm her tool to get what she wants. That smile isn't a smile of love, It's a smile of greed. But even so I will do what I always do and that's smile and help.

MC: Yeah let's do it.

Ismelda: Okay so let's go to the courtyard and plan their shouldn't be anyone there at the moment.

MC: Lead the way.

As we walk my body felt heavier and heavier like I was dragging a dead corpse that was chained to my legs. But I can't complain I did this to myself and I deserve it. But even so I still want my friends to be happy. I still want Ismelda to be happy. But what's different now is I don't don't give a damn about me anymore.   

Hogwarts Mystery Ismelda Murk X MCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum