Part 4

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I was now in Dumbledore's office with a disappointed Flitwick on my left a smug looking Snape on my right and Merula to the left of him. But I was still mad about how everything. Everyone in the room watch as I merely stood there seething with anger as everything was finally getting to me but still the tension in the room was thick until Dumbledore finally asked the question.

Dumbledore: MC, Snape informed me that you and Merula dueled in the courtyard and he also informed me that you insulted him is that true.

MC: Yes it is true. I did insult him and no I didn't duel Merula in the courtyard I shot the first spell because I wanted information and she decided to be a bitch like always.

Snape, Flitwick, and Merula were beyond surprise by this. Snape's face grew a frown and Flitwick's had the look of a surprise disappointment as for Merula, she was pale and her eyes were as wide as plates. But Dumbledore wasn't phased he just sat in thought for a moment until he asked another question.

Dumbledore: MC is everything okay?

MC: Since when do you give a damn about how I feel. SINCE WHEN HAS ANYONE GIVEN A DAMN ABOUT HOW I FEEL!

The room grew even more tense until.....


Dumbledore: No Severus I can handle this, you, flitwick and miss Snyde are dismissed I wish to discuss a matter with MC.

Snape without further protest left believing I would get expelled as for Flitwick he felt worried for what I was going through to cause such an outburst but he also left. Merula was still pale and in shock but she just walked away.

Dumbledore: I have a feeling this situation is more than meets the eye is it?

MC: Gee what gave it away?

Dumbledore: Now now MC control your anger we are just talking.


Dumbledore: MC the path you chose is a difficult one and I also know that it's finally getting to you emotionally.


Dumbledore: I'll take that silence as a yes. But I do know something else.

MC: What would that be?

Dumbledore: Matters of the heart are serious and that last year at the Ball you were the happiest I'd ever seen you in your time at Hogwarts.

I began to blush slightly remembering the happiness I felt that night. Dumbledore must have noticed this and smiled while continuing.

Dumbledore: I was surprised at you and Ismelda going together until it dawn on me that both of you are in similar situations. Both of you are seen as mad by your peers and have had your fair shares of problems. But that situation isn't for me to discuss that's for you. What I wanted to discuss was your anger with me.

MC: You know about that?

Dumbledore: There isn't anything that happens at this school without me knowing MC. With that being said I had no choice but to punish you last year due to you actively ignored mine and the other professor's warnings. Not to mention you dragged others into that.

I sat and listened as Dumbledore calmly explain away some of my developed resentment. I was still mad but I somewhat understood why.

Dumbledore: Now that that's out of the way i'm gonna have to extend your detention for two more weeks alright?

MC: Okay Headmaster.

Dumbledore: Oh and before I forget MC?

MC: Yes sir?

Dumbledore: I think it's very noble and wise of you to help Ismelda date someone else even though you love her. I believe that's worth 20 points for Ravenclaw.

MC: Thanks professor.

Dumbledore: Off you go.

I left and went straight to his dorm room ignoring everything and everyone on the way there wondering what to do now.

POV Merula 

I was in my common room thinking. I was thinking about MC and the fury in his eyes and I found myself attracted to it. I couldn't figure out why but I knew one thing I have a little crush on a certain MC. But there was something bothering me. Why was he after Ismelda? Surely he can't have a crush on her.....right? Just as I was coming to a conclusion I was interrupted by Ismelda herself.

Ismelda: Hey Merula whats going on with you?

Merula: Nothing but I have a question.

Ismelda: What?

Merula: Do you know why MC was looking for you?

Ismelda: Oh....That's because he tried helping me with something that didn't workout.

Merula: Can I know what?

Ismelda: No but can you help me get my hands on a love potion.

I was now wondering what on earth is going on with MC and Ismelda so I asked the all important question that I desperately wanted to know.

Merula: Is it for MC?

Ismelda: What absolutely not! Especially not after he played with my feelings at that stupid ball.

Merula: Oh......well do you think I too could get a love potion?

Ismelda: I don't care as long as I get one.

Merula: Alright then because luckily for us I know a certain Hufflepuff who can brew one.

Hogwarts Mystery Ismelda Murk X MCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon