Breaking FREE

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You were once a whole, unpolished brightest gem,
Tracing your first steps just learning about them.
Without hesitation you give, finding life's worthwhile,
Sharing their pain and soothing back a reason to smile.

Only noticed when in need, for them you give your all,
Ignored and alone, still you're left outside in the cold.
You're seen as an alien, the weird in the sea of normal,
Under the cold winter's coat, a lost soul dressed formal.

Feeling lost and misunderstood in their world,
Yet always content in your loneliness curled.
Alone for some might be considered a burden,
But it's the only place you call home with certain.

You've been searching for an exit far too long,
With strong belive that here, you don't belong.
Time and time again drawn under their spell,
Often at the edge of a cliff with no one to tell.

With farce and smug hypocrisy killing your ambition,
Cowards hiding behind masks, forcing you to listen
Their words like blades bullying you into submission,
Mentally bruised, tearing away all conviction.

The steady stream that leaves your wounds open,
Thin line dripping warm on skin feeling awoken,
Suddenly, silence is the most powerful scream,
Breathing in the pain of reality's darkest dream.

No words, yet I hear clearly your beautiful voice,
The strength within, speaks from truth and not from choice.
There's fire in your heart, burning proud and bold,
A heart that tries to guide you and fights against all.

Unexpectedly, one day your life took a new turn,
Embarking on the long wait trip with no return
Leaving all behind, it's time to live and learn.
Own path chosen, looking forward to the new,
Taking it step by step, working this goal for you.

In search of your lost Atlantis, you took the biggest leap,
Across valleys and wide rivers where waters running deep.
Making it your life mission to live outside the walls,
Meeting torrents, tornados, swirls and sinking holes.
No safety net in this vast ocean, diving into the unknown,
Encounters with new monsters and still fighting your own.

Searching the answers of your heart and mind,
Fighting for the life you always wanted to find.
With no restraints or that which society dictates,
Corrupt and struggling for oxygen in dire straits,
Free to voice your belief when own identity awaits.

Search for the light to guide you through the night,
You're broken, not fragile but strong, ready to fight.
Send this old world spinning and keep on living,
It's not the end, my friend, but chance for a new beginning.
Make tomorrow your today, believe it's in your power,
To voice and change your life hour by hour.

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