Part 22

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Reid opened his eyes hours later to find that the room was dark. He couldn't remember where he was, and he felt scared. He tried to sit up, but he couldn't support himself, and slumped back against the bed. He started frantically tugging his arm, trying to free it from something.

The door opened and a tall figure walked in, turning on the light. Reid recognized him as the nurse from earlier, when hotch was visiting.

"Hey, buddy, be careful. You need that IV still, it's the only way you've been getting fluids." He said gently, walking over to Reid's bed. He placed the end of the iv back in Reid's arm and smiled. "All set. Try and get some sleep." He told him.

Reid nodded and watched as the nurse left, turning off the light. He shut his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to settle himself down. He was safe now, and he was going to get the help that he needed.

The rest of the night wasn't any easier, however. From having a pleasant dream where he was surrounded with his friends, Reid suddenly found himself in the dark basement of ax and Rudy's hideout.

He was stuck in the playpen again, and every time he called out for help, the exit got farther away. He was all alone, with nothing but his cries echoing back to him.


Reid woke up the next morning covered in sweat. His hair stuck to his forehead, and he felt nauseous. He looked around the hospital room, noticing a small tan teddy bear, wearing a sweater vest. In its paw was a small balloon that read 'get well soon', and on the table next to it stood a card.

Reid reached out for the card and picked it up, opening it. It had been signed by everyone on the team, and glitzed up with Garcia's glittery pink signature. Reid smiled, looking at the card again. He closed it and set it back on the table, glancing up at the clock.

It was almost 10:00, which meant he would be able to have visitors in soon. He couldn't wait to see everyone.

Finally, the clock read 10:00, and a few minutes later, hotch and Morgan walked in. Reid practically squealed with joy when they walked in, holding his arms out to them.

"Hey, kiddo!" Morgan greeted, moving over to Reid. He picked him up and hugged him, sitting back down with Reid on his lap.

"Hi bubba, how are you feeling?" Hotch asked, pressing a hand gently on top of Reid's head. He reached over to grab Clooney and tucked him into Reid's arm.

"Fanks, dada." Reid mumbled. His voice caught in his throat, not used to talking. Hotch smiled at him.

"Don't worry about talking too much, you're probably not used to it." He said, rubbing Reid's back.

There was a knock on the door, and after Morgan gave the okay to come in, JJ, Prentiss, Garcia and Rossi walking in.

Reid smiled widely as the rest of the team huddled around his bed, hugging him.

"There's my little genius!" Garcia smiled, rocking Reid lightly from side to side as she held him close. She let go of Reid and let everyone else get a chance to hug him before eventually hugging him again.

"Spence, do you need a change?" JJ asked quietly, noticing a weird smell. Reid shrugged.

"Yeah, he definitely does." Morgan said. He closed the hospital room door and walked back over to Reid's bed, gently laying him back.

The rest of the team occupied themselves as Morgan removed Reid's diaper and wiped his bottom clean, sprinkling him with baby powder and placing a new diaper on him.

"There you go, all clean." Morgan cooed. He walked into the bathroom to wash his hands and then went back over to Reid, kissing the top of his head.

The team went back to their conversation, though Reid wasn't much of a participant. He seemed to be tuckered out from all the excitement, not to mention that he was accustomed to taking naps at certain times.

"Alright, we'll swing back later, let Reid get some rest." Hotch decided. He looked around to his teammates and they nodded. After saying their goodbyes, Hotch, Rossi, Prentiss, and JJ left, closing the door.

Morgan hung back to help Reid get settled for his nap. He looked at the sleepy doctor, smiling gratefully. "I'm really glad you're safe, pretty boy. I don't know what I'd do if..." Morgan began, cutting himself off. He didn't want to scare Reid, but he didn't know what he'd do if they hadn't found him. He was a grown up, yes, but there was just something inside of him that was so young and innocent.

"Mowgan?" Reid asked, eyes drooping, fighting to stay awake.

"Hmm?" Morgan crooned, sitting next to Reid.

"M-miss Wudy... dat bad?" Reid mumbled, tears pricking his eyes. Morgan's face softened, and he wrapped Reid in his arms, scooping him onto his lap.

"No, baby boy, it's not. Those two were the only people you saw for so long, and they kept you in a state of confusion. You cling to the idea that they were... well, that they were protecting you." Morgan said. Reid whimpered, leaning into Morgan's chest. "There there, kiddo. Now, it's time for night night. You be a good boy and get some rest." Morgan cooed. He stood and tucked Reid in under the covers, making sure he had his stuffies and paci.

The older agent kissed the doctors forehead, cupping his cheek gently. Reid smiled softly as his eyes dropped shut, and he fell into a deep sleep. Morgan left the room, closing the door after him.

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