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"I'm telling you hotch, when I went to check on Reid this morning, he was gone." Morgan said, watching as hitch set a hot coffee in front of him. "Thanks." He added, taking a sip of the hot drink. He set the mug down and looked over at Hotch, now sat across from him.

"Is there any way he could've come out of his headspace and left to do something?" Hotch reasoned. Morgan shook his head.

"I think he would've said something, not just vanish without a word." He said. He bounced his leg up and down, trying to release some of his built energy. It only made him more agitated.

"Okay, we know he's been gone for at least four hours, so we'll stick it out a while longer. If he doesn't show up at home, we'll get a search party on it." Hotch said, his usual stoic expression on his face.

"I just hope we find him soon." Morgan mumbled, trying to hold back tears. Hotch paytervhim on the shoulder and made a few soothing circles.

"Me too." He said.


Reid tried to fight off the feeling in his stomach with sleep, but it wasn't working. He just felt too empty. 

The door creaked open and the gruff voiced man, ax, walked in, going over to the crib.

"Is it time for the baby's bottle?" He cooed, looking down at Reid. He picked him up and sat him down in the make shift high chair, strapping him in place. He left the room again and came back a few minutes later with a bottle of milk.

He sat down in front of Reid and pulled the pacifier out of his mouth. Reid used this chance to open and close his mouth a few times, trying to ease the pain in his jaw. When he opened his mouth again, ax forced the bottles nipple in, startling Reid. He whimpered and latched onto the bottle, slowly drinking the milk.

When the bottle was empty, Ax pulled it from Reid's mouth and unbuckled the straps, picking Reid up. He laid him back in his crib and left, leaving Reid alone in the dark. He laid there in silence for a couple minutes before he realized that he didn't have a pacifier in his mouth. He yelled out, hoping to draw attention from someone outside.

His efforts were futile, though he did draw someone's attention, because ten seconds later, ax came back into the room.

The man snatched the pacifier in his hand and walked over to the crib, placing the paci in Reid's mouth and draping the string around his neck.

"You pipe down. We can't have you calling out for help, now can we?" He said, his eyes glaring. Reid kicked his legs unhappily, hitting the bars at his feet.

Ax reached down into the crib and grabbed Reid's ankles in one hand, a firm grip on them. Reid whined and looked up at ax, who was angry.

"If you don't stop lashing out, i have no choice but to shut you up." Ax growled. Reid gulped but stopped kicking, letting his legs lay still. Ax smirked and loosened his grip, taking his hand out of the crib. "Enjoy your nap." He chuckled, leaving the room.

Reid furrowed his eyebrows, confused, when a sweet smelling mist came out slowly from the ceiling. He inhaled but regretted it, because the mist made him feel very sleepy all of a sudden. Reid tried keeping his eyes open, but it was useless, and he fell into a deep, hazy sleep.


The team was gathered in the conference room, all looking worried.

"If someone puts my precious pumpkin in harms way, I'll lose my shit." Garcia said, clenching one of her pink glitter pens in he fist. Morgan rubbed her shoulder soothingly.

"Calm down, babygirl, we're all scared. Losing our cool isn't gonna help." He said. Garcia sighed and leaned against the table with her chin resting on her hands.

"Morgan's right, worrying will get us nowhere." Hotch said.

"I'm trusting you guys on this, but if anyone hurts my little Reid-" Garcia began.

"Garcia." Hotch and Rossi said together, looking at the tech. She looked down sheepishly.

"Sorry sirs." She said.

"I say we just get a few cars out looking for Reid, and we'll keep doing our work." JJ said. The team all nodded and left the conference room, going back to their desks.

Garcia walked into her computer room and sat down, pulling out her phone. She clicked on Reid's contact and typed out a short message to him. She pressed send, hoping he would answer.


"Rudy, I have to run a few errands. I'll see you later." Ax said to his partner, leaving the house. Rudy looked around the living room and got up, walking down the hall and turning into the spare room. He could see Reid standing on his knees in the crib, trying to pull himself up.

"I guess your medicine wore off, huh?" Rudy said, walking over to the crib and leaning on the bars. 

Reid, startled, fell back on to his diapered bottom. Rudy chuckled and reached down to pick Reid up.

"I think you've been cooped up in here too long. Why don't we go get you settled somewhere else right now?" He said, carrying Reid out of the room. The minute they entered the hallway. Reid could smell stale cigarette smoke and wrinkled his nose.

Rudy opened another door and walked down a dark staircase. 

This was it, Reid thought, this is where he was gonna die. 

He heard the soft click of a light switch being turned on. The basement was far less creepy than he thought it would be. The only thing that seemed weird, however, was the large cage looking thing.

It was probably 7 feet by 8 feet, and the bars looked to be as tall as Reid's nose. He guessed that this was supposed to be a large playpen to hold him in, but it seemed a bit excessive.

Rudy unlocked a small door on the side of the playpen and opened it, setting Reid down on the floor. There was a throw blanket under him, but it didn't make much difference on a cement floor. He watched as Rudy went back to the outside of e playpen and locked it back up.

"You stay there. If you need me, I'll know." He said, holding up a baby monitor. He left the basement, at least keeping the lights on so Reid can see.

Reid rolled forward on his hands and knees and crawled over to the door. He locked around for something to pick the lock with, but there was nothing useful. He sighed and sat back down, looking at the few toys on the floor. There were baby blocks and a few rattles, but that was it. 

It was kind of funny to Reid, in some dry of messed up way. Sure, keep him in a crib in a dark room all day, then bring him down to an empty basement with what was Essentially a prison cell. He laughed, and felt more emotion than he had in days.

When Reid was done laughing, he laid down on the blanket and sucked on his pacifier. He didn't know what drug they used on him earlier, but it must've been worn off by now, because he didn't feel so hazy and sleepy. He wanted to find a way out of here, and he couldn't afford to waste another minute.

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