"Pretty boy, wake up." Morgan said softly, shaking Reid's shoulder gently. Reid opened his eyes and yawned, looking up at Morgan. He reached his arms out and Morgan picked him up. "Your crib's all put together, wanna see it?" He asked. Reid nodded. "Alright. Let's go get you changed first." Morgan said, carrying Reid to his room. He laid him down on a towel and opened the onesie, removing the old diaper and cleaning Reid up. Once Morgan put a fresh diaper on Reid, Morgan replaced his onesie and picked Reid up.

Reid was a bit concerned. He had started regressing in the first place because of a nightmare that made him wet himself, and now he didn't know when he went to the bathroom anymore. He had to admit that regressing was helping him relax, and he really liked seeing hotch and Morgan's softer sides, but he was worried that soon he wouldn't be able to get himself out of his headspace.

"Look at this, bubba. Your very own crib. What do you think?" Hotch said when Morgan and Reid entered the spare room.

"Wow, thank you." Was all Reid could say. He was impressed with how much work these guys were putting in to help him destress. The doorbell rang  and hotch went to answer it. Reid looked up at Morgan and smiled at him. 

"I love ya, little man." Morgan said, grinning.

"Wuv you too." Reid mumbled. Morgan carried Reid out to the living room and they were greeted by JJ, Rossi, Garcia, and Prentiss. Reid went still, but then relaxed. This was his team, they weren't going to say anything mean to him.

"What are you guys doing here?" Morgan asked.

"We wanted to see out little guy. We also brought pizza." Garcia said, holding up two large pizzas.

"Aw, thanks guys. We can set those down on the counter. Morgan said. Garcia went into the kitchen and put the pizzas down on the counter. Everyone gathered in the kitchen, grabbing plates and getting pizza for themselves. Hotch got a slice for Reid and cut it in small pieces and carried the plate into the living room, setting it on the coffee table.

"Thanks hotch." Morgan said, walking into the living room and sitting Reid on the floor. "Alright kid, eat up." He said, going to get food for himself. Reid looked at his plate and just sat there, unsure. JJ looked over at him.

"What's up, Spence? Do you want me to feed you?" She asked. Reid nodded. JJ walked over to him and sat down next to him. She picked up the fork and trapped a piece of pizza with it, bringing it to Reid's mouth. He bit it and chewed slowly.

When Reid finished his food, JJ went back to her seat. Morgan returned from the kitchen with a bottle for Reid. He sat next to him and pulled the doctor into his lap, cradling him. He held the bottle for Reid and Reid latched on.

"So how little is he usually?" Garcia asked. 

"I'd say about 1.5 or 2 years is the oldest, but he's been as young as a few months." Morgan said. He looked down at Reid, who was closing his eyes. "I think he's under 1 now though." He said. Reid finished his bottle and Morgan held him to his shoulder, patting Reid's back until he belched. "Good job, kid." Morgan chuckled, sitting Reid back down in his lap.

Morgan grabbed Reid's pacifier and popped it into his mouth.

"Oh, that reminds me, I have something for him." Garcia said. She got up and ran out to her car, coming back a few minutes later. "Here it is." She said excitedly, holding up a box. Inside was a mobile with blue owls and crescent moons.

"Thanks Garcia, this is perfect." Hotch said. Garcia smiled. Hotch looked over at Reid and chuckled. "I think we're gonna be trying this out tonight. Morgan, do you want to put him to bed or do you want me to?" Hotch asked.

"I've got it." Morgan said, standing. Reid cracked his eyes open and looked at hotch, reaching his arms out.

"Dada." He mumbled sleepily.

"Wanna say night night, kid?" Morgan cooed, and Reid nodded. Morgan passed the doctor to hotch and Reid wrapped his arms around hotch's neck.

"Ni ni." Reid babbled, laying his head on hotch's shoulder.

"Night bubba, see cyou in the morning." Hotch said softly, rubbing Reid's back. He passed him back to Morgan, who carried Reid to the spare room, everyone else saying goodnight as they disappeared.

Morgan laid Reid down on the floor and undid his onesie, untaping his old diaper. Reid fussed, but was ultimately too sleepy to care as Morgan wiped him clean and applied talcum powder, putting a clean diaper under his bottom and pulling it up between his legs, taping it shut. Reid cooed softly, happy that he was covered up again. Morgan smiled and rubbed soft circled on the doctor's tummy.

A soft knock on the door let them know there was someone else with them. 

"Come in." Morgan said as he reads tense Reid's onesie and scooped him up. Rossi stood outside of the spare room and walked in, standing next to Morgan.

"So I guess you and hotch have your hands full with this little bambino, huh?" He asked, smiling. Morgan chuckled.

"He was a little troublesome yesterday, but he's usually pretty good. Now that everyone knows about his regression, I think he'll be more comfortable with being taken care of." Morgan said, patting Reid's back, swaying softly to the side.

"That's good. What are we going to do about work, though?" Rossi asked. Morgan paused and hummed.

"I'm not sure. Maybe we can all pitch in to help get Reid's work done when he's regressed." Morgan thought. Rossi nodded slowly.

Reid whined suddenly, startling Rossi a bit.

"I know, baby boy. Is it sleepy time?" Morgan cooed. Reid nodded gently and sucked on his pacifier. "Okay, let's get you in your crib. Can you please go grab his mobile, Rossi?" Morgan said, turning to the older man.

"Sure." Rossi agreed, leaving the nursery. Morgan rocked Reid and kissed the top of his head, holding him protectively to his chest. Reid breathed softly, closing his eyes. Morgan chuckled lightly and rubbed Reid's back.

Rossi returned and held up the newly assembled mobile, smiling brightly at Reid. "Look at this, little one." Rossi said softly.

"He'll see it soon enough. He's already asleep." Morgan whispered, laying Reid down in his crib. Rossi hung the mobile up where the headboard was and turned it on. Gentle lullabies filled the nursery as the moons and owl spun gently. "Goodnight, kiddo." Morgan cooed, leaving the nursery with Rossi, shutting off the light before shutting the door.

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