🌌 ~ did you want a Sparkling? You will have it ~ 🌌

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It was hard to tell who had actually set up a parental bond with the little Scout, the piece of sparkle embedded in that golden sphere was a slightly dull, metallic silver, which led one to think that it wasn't one of the Decepticons who made a bond seen. that silver is seen as the color of purity, but you know, don't judge a book by its cover, the fact is that none of the Autobots managed to understand the nature of that bond, so much so that after a few hours they stopped trying. On the Nemesis, however, the weather was not so calm for 3 weeks, until Knockout noticed that Starscream was without the Sparkling <<Hey Star, why don't you have the little guy with you?>> the Seeker didn't look at him while Shockwave and Megatron joined the conversation, the scientist's one-eye scrutinized Starscream in the soul and then spoke <<the relic has disappeared>> Megatron intruded with an accusing tone towards Starscream <<and here there is no Sparkling, it is nowhere to be found on the ship>> the doctor chuckled in horror when a horrible hypothesis reached his mind <<ahah... Starscream...? Did you just...? >> the tension was such that he could not breathe, the Seeker clenched his fists uttering a word with a grim and not at all repentant tone <<I gave the relic and Bumblebee back to the Autobots>> the silence was tactile, no one dared breathe for a few seconds, but silence is never eternal <<YOU WHAT!?>> the Decepticon Leader yelled at his second-in-command a series of insults pointing his cannon at the face of the Seeker which, unexpectedly, was anything but scared, but this was not enough to convince his commander to spare him <<did you want a Sparkling? You will have it>>.

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