🌌 ~ A Problem ~ 🌌

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As soon as Starscream and Knockout crossed the Terrestrial Bridge they found themselves in the control room in front of their commander who turning around saw the Sparkling in Starscream's arms and with a thoughtful expression on his face asked for explanations <<a Sparkling?>> the Decepticon doctor looked up in order not to meet his commander's gaze, gesticulating to emphasize the "gravity" of the incident <<we assume that the relic was activated->> without warning or otherwise, Starscream told the real thread of the events <<the Scout was within range of action of the relic and so he was a victim of its effects>> the Decepticon Leader looked at the Sparkling with an offended look, but in addition to the indignation his face emanated a murderous desire that only one in that room captured, and feeling the need to protect that ball of innocence, Starscream proposed a slightly more logical idea at the strategic level <<we could use him as a bargaining chip instead of... you know>> Knockout interrupted the Seeker with a tone of derision and offense <<what!? To keep a Sparkling alive you need a bond with a carrier! I don't think Airachnid wants to deal with an Autobot and the only Carrier-type Mach on the ship is me>> the Seeker looks at the doctor with a look of pure hatred speaking in an aggressive tone <<are you sure?>> the Seeker attracted the doctor's attention and then try to intimidate him with his eyes, normally these attempts were in vain but this time, the news about the Seeker left him baffled, unlike the Decepticon Leader who stared at his second in command for a few seconds before speak <<so you offer to take care of the Sparkling?>> the Seeker looked around with a worried air, lightly squeezing the Sparkling <<if no one else can...>> Lord Megatron observed the Seeker and then turned his back to emanate the his last order <<good, from now on your only job is to keep an eye on this beast, don't disappoint me again>> the Seeker became stiff speaking in a shaky voice, knowing what would happen if he failed <<I understand sir, I wont>> the air became heavier and the tension increased when Megatron spoke <<I hope so for your good, now go, you are almost more annoying than that Scout>>.
The Seeker advanced towards the exit to go to Shockwave's laboratory to leave him the relic, if only he could detach it from the Sparkling. As soon as he entered the entrance a deep, dull and monotonous voice reminded him how much he hated that place <<Starscream? I've already told you that you cannot enter my laboratory>> the Seeker rolled his eyes walking towards the scientist turned from behind <<I know you hate me and you don't trust me, I hate you too. I have the relic but there is a problem>> he turned to notice the little Scout in the arms of the Seeker who was holding the unlit box tightly, the scientist's single eye had a little nervous tic, he already had to do with Starscream, now there was also a Sparkling in the way <<I'll look for a way to get it back to normal, or, I would need someone to test my formula's>> Starscream shivered at the thought of being able to leave with an innocent little creature being used to test formulas, so took some crumb of authority and spoke <<I have already guaranteed that I would take care of the little plague>> the scientist looked at him judging him, thinking precisely that the Seeker was protecting the Sparkling since he was already fond of it <<as you want, but if that... thing, enter my laboratory you won't have to worry about it anymore>> neither of them looked up, Shockwave not to distract attention from the experiment and Starscream for the deep hatred towards someone who could he would do something so cruel to a Sparkling <<I understand>>.
The Seeker tried to detach the Sparkling from the relic but in vain, the little one began to make some shrill noises, identifiable as moans, shortly after the Sparkling's eyes were flooded with tears and Starscream had a small panic attack <<no no no! Please little beast, please stop it!>> the scientist looked amused at the Seeker in the most complete panic <<I'm not here to tell you how to deal with that Sparkling, but trying to be delicate is the most logical solution for you>> the Seeker took in considering the option offered to him by the scientist, he looked at the little Scout in his arms and brought one of his claws to the crook of his neck, the little one saw that strange pointed body and curiously grabbed it, immediately stopped crying and leaving the relic, the Seeker was blown away by how little was enough to calm that Sparkling down. For his part Bumblebee tried to communicate his primary need, create a parental bond to survive, being still a Sparkling he had every organ in the right place and this allowed him to do what had been dreaming for a lifetime now, talk <<Cauliel>> Shockwave watched the Sparkling look with admiration at the Seeker who was holding him <<it is logical to think that is looking for his carrier, and we both know that you cannot establish a parental bond with him>> the F-16 glared at the scientist trying to intimidate him <<you say so>> Shockwave looked at Starscream with a questioning air and then spoke to his usual voice dull and grave <<only a Mach of Carrier-type can, and you are not, it is logical>> Starscream looked at him badly, even answering him in kind <<well then your logic is wrong >>.
The Seeker left indignant with the astonished look of the scientist behind him, no one at first knew he was a Carrier-type, but now the news will spread throughout the ship and he knew it, but it was more important to protect that Sparkling, without realizing it Starscream found himself in front of the Knockout medical laboratory, without thinking twice he entered, the doctor for his part looked at the Seeker on the threshold of his laboratory holding the Sparkling tight as a sign of protection and unfortunately, the doctor Decepticon was in the mood to joke <<you know Screamer, I have never dissected a Sparkling~>> the Seeker covered the eyes to the little one so as not to see what would happen next, in fact he pulled out his claws and tried to scratch his face, causing fright and surprise in the red con <<SARSCREAM BUT WHAT THE FRA->> the Seeker pointed his right index finger between the doctor's optical sensors to silence him <<THERE'S A SPARKLING IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER!>> Knockout shut up reluctantly, sincerely, he had and still something to say: <<yes ok but what the scrap is wrong with you!?>>, <<everyone today talk about killing Bumblebee!>>, <<have you already taken to heart the beast?>>
<<ok ok I understand, no one touches Bumblebee apart from you, but avoid these outbursts please>>
<<and you avoid alluding to the murder of a Sparkling please>>.
The Seeker held the little Scout tightly to him all the way to his lodgings, many Veicons in the corridors looked at him in fear, in fact the aura emanating from the Seeker was much more threatening than usual, even when a Veicons tried to caress the head of the little Bumblebee, Starscream armed the baster by firing at least 8 or 9 shots to the head of the Veicon while keeping his hand on the eyes of the little one and then throwing the corpse as far as possible, in summary, the whole Nemesis began to fear not him, but his Carrier instinct...
Starscream, arrived in his room, placed Bumblebee on his bed sitting next to him, the little one for his part did not leave the Seeker's arm looking for the affection that in his original childhood he never had, being that his Carrirer died for to give birth to him and his Sire blamed him for it, in fact he had to survive without ties, it was very difficult but he made it, he promised himself never to be a burden to anyone and to always be responsible for himself, until that relic did not bring back the age in which his Sire did nothing but abuse him, for this he trusts only the Seeker, being the only one similar to a Carrier.
Starscream saw the sad expression of the Scout and decided to bear that responsibility, he opened the containment area of ​​the little spark and then also opened his own, brought the Sparkling close to his chest and a thread of energy connected the two balls of energy, one golden and the other silver, the thread became bigger and thicker, until it became a flow almost as big as half the body of the Seeker, small branches of energy extended around the two until they were completely enveloped in an energy refuge, after a few minutes the flow began to decrease and to thin more and more until it returned to the containment areas of the sparks of the two, in the spark of the Seeker there was a strange piece of gold and also in the spark of the Sparkling there was a small little piece of silver, the truth is that this is what bonds are all about, exchanging a little piece of the sparks so that you can always feel the other end of the bond, the Seeker held on for a while longer. 'the Sparkling in her arms and then lie down gently and fall asleep with his Sparkling in his arms.

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