Chapter 4: Fear of the Night

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"No darkness lasts forever. And even there, there are stars."

Everything around me was black, there was nothing in sight. I couldn't see or feel anything. It was like being in an infinite dark void.

"Tetsu" The voice of my mother called out from behind me.

I turned to face her, only to hear my younger sister call my name as well from beside me. Then soon my father and brother followed along. I kept turning in every direction I heard the voices, but there was no one there; instead, they would just keep getting louder and louder.

The rampant growing sounds started overwhelming me, and I fell to my knees clenching my ears.

"Tetsuhiko my boy." My father appeared standing of me, "I trained you better than this. How could you let this happen?"

"Wait, dad." I tried defending myself, looking up at his transparent body, "You don't understand I-"

"Yeah son." My mother cut me off, appearing right beside him in a similar manner, "Didn't we love and care for you?"

"No, that's not it. Mom, I-"

"Yeah big bro. I looked up to you." My brother followed

"I thought you loved us." My sister whimpered, glaring into my eyes

"Guys I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"It's all your fault Tetsu." Scolded my father, "If it wasn't for you, we'd all still be here."

"Yeah." My siblings agreed, "It's all your fault."

"I'm sorry, okay?" I pleaded, watching my vision blur from the tears forming in my eyes

Soon they started floating in the air, slowly circling me before picking up the pace and chanting "It's all your fault!". Every time they repeated the words they would get radically louder, until that was the only thing I could hear in my mind.

It's all my fault. It's all my fault. IT'S ALL MY FAULT!

Suddenly jumping up from my spot, my eyes snapped wide open. I was met with the concerned face of the girl I was with, who looked like she'd been hovering over me for a while. When I realized that I'd been hyperventilating, I was quickly able to calm myself down.

"It was just a dream." I thought to myself

Everything went back to being silent, with the muffled crackles of the campfire in the background. She leaned her head, peering her eyes in confusion.

"Don't you know it's weird to watch people sleep?" I stung at her

"Screaming.." She whispered

"I must've woken her up by screaming."

"You should get some rest. We have a lot of walking to do when you wake up."

She firmly shook her head, stubbornly refusing to sleep.

"Scary monsters.."

"Scary monsters. Does she have nightmares too? Or could it be something else?"

"Are you afraid they'll attack you in your sleep?"

She slightly nodded her head in response, keeping her body language to a minimum.

"I didn't ask earlier, why'd that woman have you in there?"

Though she remained silent, she didn't seem quite clear herself.

"You don't know that either. Is there anything you do know?"

She disappointedly shook her head.

"Alright then. Well you can stick with me for now I guess. But you're gonna need a name."

Bobbing her head sideways, she leant in closer to hear what I would say next. I didn't actually intend to be the one to give her the name, but since that's what she wanted then I had to come up with something on the spot.

"How abouttt...Yukika?"

"" She pronounced slowly

"Yep. That's your new name now."

Seeing her plaster a broad smile across her face, I could tell that she was very pleased with her new name.

"I think that's actually the first time I've seen her smile."

"Well, I'm glad you like it, Yukika." Securing my sheathed sword on my waist while getting up to my feet, I looked up at the ever-bright moon, lighting the path forward. "Well since neither of us are willing to sleep, we might as well get moving."

Yukika stood behind me as I put out the campfire, eagerly spectating as I did so.

"You ready?" I questioned her


"Alright then. Let's go."

The two of us continued north-east; with me on full alert and Yukika close behind.

Travelling the unknown expanse of this dangerous forest alone is one thing, but when someone else is there with you, it feels different somehow. You don't feel so alone anymore; in fact, I think it makes you more drawn to being near the person.

Glancing over at Yukika, she seemed especially timid now that we were walking through the dark. I can't help but wonder what happened to her inside that shed; and why they had her held out here.

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