23 || Bet

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[ - sophia kim - ]

Once the clock strikes 5.30 PM, I put my books away alongside my glasses and got off of my study table. I head to my bed and laid down to rest after hours of studying.

Gosh, I'm beat.

I have to practice violin and piano later. I'm kind of glad I got grounded honestly. I get so many time off of school and I can do what I want without amy restrictions in here.

As I was just playing on my phone, I then got a message from Joshua which caused me to frown. Geez, I forgot to block him...

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After writing his number down, I blocked his number. I then got off of my bed and went to Seolhee's room. I knocked onto the door, waiting for her to open the door. Not that long after that, she opened it.

"What do you want ?" she asked

"Joshua said he wants to meet up with you to apologize face to face. Here's his number. Go ask about it yourself" I said to her as I handed her the numbers I wrote down earlier

"Oh-- Thanks ?" she raised her eyebrow

"You seemed in a bad mood, what's wrong Sooyoung ?" she asked

"Him happened. I don't like the fact that he texted me" I rolled my eyes

"Well you're more angry than me. What really happened ?" she asked

"Nothing did. I just hate him that's all. I'm gonna get to practicing. I'll see you later" I said to her and left to my room

Bet • Joshua ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora